Anybody notice anything taken down off Youtube by SiriusXM recently like what they talked about on the show?

6  2013-06-07 by waytogo17

just wondering. The first time SiriusXM's lawyers went through you heard about it it everywhere, so much great stuff was taken down like omgwtfitssteve's whole archives but this time I have not heard much.


Also seems like they are only going after people posting full shows. Opie said this would be a problem. Clips are fine but if you're posting full shows you must stay discreet. One way of doing this on youtube is making the videos private. The videos are still viewable but only to people with the link. Start a mailing list and pass the links out that way or do it privately on here.

One way of doing this on youtube is making the videos private. The videos are still viewable but only to people with the link.

you mean 'unlisted', not 'private'.

If they take my channel down I'll just start a new one like I did the last time. I don't use ads and I link siriusxm in the description along with the boys Twitter's and websites. I make nothing from my channel and don't even take donations. I have a ton of stuff saved for when the lawyers give up again if they delete my channel. So fuck em'. (

I found O&A through YouTube bros like yourself and now I have a subscription (mostly because I bought a new car, but hey...). Thank you for lighting the way for us.

You're doing gods work my freind.

Nice channel you have. Just subscribed.

Fight the man.

Don't understand why they're going after full shows, it seems stupid to me. I'm not giving a single penny to SiriusXM...especially with the way they restrain the show. Bad online streams, shackling the show, shitty product in general, why should I pay for it?

And why shouldn't SiriusXM be able to protect its property? Say 10,000 people a day download the show and don't buy SiriusXM. The app is something like 15 bucks a month. Do the math. That's at least 1.8 million dollars a year they are losing out on. I'm sure the number of people pirating there content is much higher, and SiriusXM offers more expensive packages which would inflate lost revenue even more. I don't know about you but 1.8 million dollars is a shit ton of money. So of course lawyers are going to go after people pirate full shows. I'm not saying its right, or wrong because I download shows too, I'm just saying what do you expect?

Internet exposure of shows helps spread popularity. People can listen to a few full shows and then see if it's right for them. Or they could just be like me and freeload off free streams and Paltalk. :)

I think piracy will always happen, it's like in the software industry. The company gets theirs, but there'll always be that black market for the product. Then again, I've always advocated for the black market when it comes to radio shows and concerts. I enjoy how people just blatantly put full concerts, television shows, and radio shows up on Youtube. But I do get your point, YT and SiriusXM don't want that free content just "up" there for everyone to see.

The thing about piracy is, it's not going to go away. They can take all the YT accounts down that they want, but it's a losing battle.

That's like saying we shouldn't enforce laws because someone will eventually break it. Silly argument. SiriusXM has every right to go after there intellectual property. There losing out on millions of dollars of revenue because of piracy they have to go after certain people posting full shows. I got interested into the show the same way, and personally have no problem with full shows being posted, but look at it from the other side too.

As I said before, online streams actually promote the show, something SiriusXM is not willing to do. As they say on the show, all the ads SiriusXM have for the show have a big-ass pic of Howard on the front, but where are O&A?

If the company won't promote it, fuck them. O&A will just be spread virally through Youtube. And if that means posting full shows, then so be it.

Yeah because all of you pirating the show started paying for it as soon as you became regular listeners, right? Nope. What the hell does SiriusXM care if Opie and Anthony got fans as long as none of them subscribe? You're truly an idiot aren't you? What of piracy costs companies like SiriusXM millions of dollars do you not understand? If you were losing out on that type of revenue you'd do the same shit. Shut up ya faggot.

So you justify them taking down O&A's emporium? A harmless website that just put up the shows for fans to listen and watch?

I'm biased because I have always supported the third party sites, but they do it the right way. Have you ever played a video game? Have you seen how the video game industry is trying to handle piracy, or the music industry? This is like the lawyers trying to shut down Napster. It's vile and despicable.

I remember watching an episode of South Park addressing music downloading. The episode is very memorable because it makes two points: Why should we worry about downloading, because 1) the real companies are still making a heavy profit off album and concert sales and 2) the impact of the downloading is minimal, since rock stars still afford lavish objects.

Maybe it's just the pirate in me, but in the end, I have absolutely zero compassion or sympathy for the companies. And the lawyers taking down Ted's O&A Emporium, a harmless site that was set up by the fans, for the fans, without any monetary incentive whatsoever...that is what makes me mad.

Is it illegal? Sure. But I don't care. And neither do most fans. As in the music industry, these type of things are unavoidable. You will always have piracy. Just distribute your product, and if it's good, people will buy it. If SiriusXM wasn't so shitty at streaming online, people would buy it. That simple.

A harmless website? Again are you fucking dumb. Due to piracy SiriusXM is losing millions of dollars worth of potential revenue. I'd hardly say sites like Ted's are completely harmless. Secondly, they have every right to shut down piracy ITS THERE FUCKING CONTENT. The South Park example is a bad one, and just because South Park did a bit about it doesn't mean there right. Yes its illegal and you don't have to care, and you can do whatever the fuck you like, just don't act like a bitch when SiriusXM tries to step in. Just like its your right to download shit, its there right to protect there content you broke ass motherfucker.

Ted's was totally harmless. I don't see what the issue is with Ted's at all.

Sure, shut them down, but more piracy sites will pop up. That's why fighting piracy is a losing battle. You see this in the music industry when they went after Napster, and then other sites like Kazaa popped up, as well as torrents.

I think you and me have differences when it comes to intellectual property and content. I don't think piracy will ever go away, it is a cat and mouse game. You can shut down the sites, but more sites will pop up. Piracy is rampant in music, video games, even Youtube as people just flat out post full albums in defiance of copyright law. The best thing in my opinion, is to let this happen. If fans appreciate it enough, they will end up buying the content to support the artists. At least that's how I feel.

Right. We shouldn't enforce the laws of the United States either right, because well someone will eventually break them, and even if you punish one person for it, someone else will come long and do it. So lets just not punish law breakers anymore, because well you know its impossible to stop. You have some really great logic.

When did I say that?

Now you're saying we should punish everyone who breaks laws and pirates? Why is it so important that we go after people who are just uploading a show people enjoy, without profit, mind you, to websites? What's wrong with that? Who's hurt? The big old companies? Oh no. I'm hurting a multinational corporation, goodness me.

A multi-national company that gives Opie and Anthony a platform to even have a radio show. You think this shit works for free? Thankfully not everyone pirates or there would be zero Opie and Anthony content you retard. Your such a badass mmmmaaannnnn... keep fighting the maaaannnnn, maaaaaannnnn by pirating those free shows... mmmmaaaaannnnn

dude I lost my shit when I realized they took your channel down. came here right away and found you.

Noththefakescotty is gone :(


RIP to both of them. Maybe it's just me, but these people are doing good work by posting full shows and doing what SiriusXM won't do...advertise the product.

I've heard a lot of people get hooked on the show through the internet, yet SiriusXM wants to quash that by taking down full shows? Please.

These are great people who don't ask for a penny, and help advertise and promote the show. They aren't doing anything wrong in my opinion.

Opie said before that they are only going after FULL shows. Clips are fine he said, but the full shows will get taken down.

Based on an informal survey I took of o/a sources I estimate that only about 6000-8000 ppl illegally listen to the show every day. That doesn't seem like a big deal based on the fact that O/A claim that about a million actually listen every morning. I wonder why SiriusXM so mad bro.

Probably better not to post these types of things, sport. Make them pay for the data and they'll never gather it.

I would say the number is higher than that. If I remember correctly GTAJ said he would get 10-15k download/listens a day towards the end, and peaked at 20k. That's just one source of daily shows. Currently I can think of 3, or 4 people posting shows so who knows what the real numbers are, and also there's people like me who subscribe to SiriusXM but still download the show daily for my own archive and so I can listen commercial free.

That's like saying we shouldn't enforce laws because someone will eventually break it. Silly argument. SiriusXM has every right to go after there intellectual property. There losing out on millions of dollars of revenue because of piracy they have to go after certain people posting full shows. I got interested into the show the same way, and personally have no problem with full shows being posted, but look at it from the other side too.

Yeah because all of you pirating the show started paying for it as soon as you became regular listeners, right? Nope. What the hell does SiriusXM care if Opie and Anthony got fans as long as none of them subscribe? You're truly an idiot aren't you? What of piracy costs companies like SiriusXM millions of dollars do you not understand? If you were losing out on that type of revenue you'd do the same shit. Shut up ya faggot.