Rock Scream Tuesday was actually really funny bit...

16  2013-06-06 by DayPass


Stephen Carr's was easily the best one, but I guess that's why he posted the video, and I guess that's why he put himself at the beginning of the video, and I guess he has the most experience in this department.

Great indeed. That is one of my favorite bits. Also, can't forget the first time they beat the shit out of Pendulum and had a song contest. I was laughing for weeks.


They've had much worse recurring bits than this one.

I am always impressed by people who can do this. When I try my voice cracks like a pubescent boy.

erock nailed this one

that kid can never not be funny

young sam with short hair looks like gay intern Sal

The first time they played the intro with Teri Schiavo edited into it, I nearly shit my pants laughing.