What's your favorite verbal crutch?

3  2013-06-05 by lanestew

10 year fan of the boys. My favorite verbal crutch is Anthony's saying yeah, yeah, yeah or right, right, right. What's yours?


anthony: aaalright

Fucking favorite Ant saying EVER!



Lol that is a good one.

Its not a specific phrase or word, but Ant always repeat whatever someone said when he finds something funny. ALWAYS.

Hey guys, which hat of Anthony's is your favorite? I like his black NRA hat.


I love when Jimmy gets mad and says "and these FUUUUUUUUCKING scumbags/vultures/other insult here"

Whenever the bell rings.


And whatnot as well

Anthony's "Under the guise"

Holy fauuucggghhkk.

Ant always says "back in what I call: the day" EVERY SINGLE TIME he talks about something in the past. Lol pretty funny. My favorite ever though is when someone says something crazy or something and Ant quickly goes "aaaalright"

When opie has no idea how to deal with a comment made by someone: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?

you have to do it in an exaggerated high pitch exasperated tone.. aaannnd carry it on for another 10-20 minutes.. so nobody can provide the answer....

DAMNit - it turned into an opie gripe... sorry guys.

If you're paying attention, Sam has started doing it as well.

please continue..

When Jimmy asks whether his co-hosts if they like something that they clearly hate:

You don't like Grocery Man?

You don't like Dr. Steve Chipperson?

You don't like Valley Jim?

Also when the question gets asked to Jimmy and he responds with "I most certainly do/don't"

I love when Opie runs out of breath in the middle of making his 'point'

His is also a laugh-talker.

Opie saying "Melk" instead of "Milk" is mildly frustrating.

