what did you guys think of Opies great story about the wallet today?

0  2013-06-04 by opiesucks

think he's full of shit?


like most of what opie says, uninteresting and unfunny.

If he made that zero of a story up I feel worse. Damn that was a shit, uninteresting story.

not as bad as ants coke storys

I think opie's entire career is enough of an unwarranted back pat to make up for the lack of gratitude from lost wallet guy.

whoops, i should have know he was going to repeat the exact same shit story for Breuer.

As much as I agree that it was a pretty lame story, the fact that you have such an immense hatred of a D-list celebrity that you feel the need to make an account with name "opiesucks" and post trite shit like this is even more douchey and cringe-worthy.

yeah, but.... opie sucks.

I don't know what the fuck I'd do if I was expected to say something interesting at 6 am five days a week so I generally cut them a lot of slack for the first hour.

Yea but its not your job. They get paid millions to do it. Just like if your a plumber and have a job to do at 6 am, you do it and do it properly. Of course it's hard for me or you, we aren't radio personalities.

Yeah, that's true. It was a horrible story either way.


Really? The second you get into work you're just full blast all the way, no warm up time? Also, being interesting for 20 hours a week is harder than 99% of jobs, who cares if they chose to do it, you can still cut them some slack.

I do cut them some slack. It's not all radio gold. That story blew though.

I tought it was an epic story! Hilariously funny, should make the cut to the podcast and best of shows easily. I think it's a new classic of OandA material and should be obligatory listening for new fans.