Opie & Anthony: Jim Breuer vs. Anthony on Guns (06/04/13)

39  2013-06-04 by stevenknight


Holy shit this was great. The best part was Breuer throwing out fake names and Jimmy adding in "Tony from Long Island". Love Breuer.

I honestly loved that part. It seemed like Jimmy was trolling Ant to show he was sick of listening to his bullshit.

Nah, Jimmy was just trying to push Anthony's buttons cause he knows how he gets when he argues, and though it would be funny, which it was.


It seemed like everyone in the room has been sick of the Anthony Gun Rant - Jimmy, Opie - everybody. They just let him go because it would burn time and mean they do not need to make up material.

Finally, Breuer steps in and says what everybody has been thinking.

Jimmy alluded to it when he chided Anthony about using the scope on the 50 cal Barrett to spy on the girl next door.

Damn Ant got trolled hard lol. Breuer rules.

It was great. I loved when Jimmy would chime in agreeing with Jim just to piss off Anthony.

Breuer always hits it out of the park when he's on O&A, love his appearances.

I've gotten used to him, I love his stories he tells on the show now. They play 3 promos of his appearances on the show, all of which are hilarious.


Loved this

Damn, I usually like Breuer and think Ant is crazy with his gun loving politics. But Ant actually had a good point here I never thought about. And Breuer didnt get it at all, and resorted to childish misrepresentation to win the argument.

What Ant was saying is: As long as rednecks got guns the government is vary of causing a confrontation with them, because that is just going to end with a lot of dead rednecks. That would be political suicide, a PR scandal. If rednecks didnt have guns, it would be easier to step on their rights without getting blood on their hands.

but if the government planned on doing something oppressive enough to cause a massive armed uprising, then i don't think they would care about how people view them.

that's why i think ant is wrong. He said something like "once they start shooting americans, they lost and everything america stands for is over so its a deterrent", but if it gets to the point that the government is so tyranical that a militia tries to overthrow them i don't see how upholding americas values would be important, and why getting blood on their hands would be a deterrent.

I try to think of an example ... imagine these somewhat far-fetched scenarios.

Say the government want to outlaw religious home schooling as education standard are found to be appalling or child abuse is found common. Or say the government wants to outlawing trucks as they are environmentally unfriendly.

A large proportion of "rednecks" wouldnt comply with these new laws so the police would have to take their kids and trucks away from them. If the rednecks where armed, the police would end up in situations where they end up killing lots of them. Which would become political suicide for the law makers. If the rednecks on the other hand where not armed, the police could simply arrest law breakers without killing them. Which would be more politically acceptable.

Breuer sounds exactly like a younger Alan Alda.

Jim was great on O & A. I couldn't get through the interview with him on stern.

Top notch sound effects

Breuer is always a genius with sound effects. The fucking barking dog, the boat in the pizza-man story....fucking priceless.


Ant is the man. Jim breuer is funny, but if anyone else had called his argument goofy, Ant would have gotten genuinely mad. His argument is not goofy.

Ehhhh I dunno man.....

Does anyone know what story Breuer was talking about when he mentioned the kid in Australia that got killed by police?

Didn't have to watch a second of this to know that Anthony will win this argument, at least on a moral level, because gun ownership is inherently correct.

Jeea. 8)


Look out fellas, there's a tough guy in town...

...he's got a keyboard and everythannggg.


Ok, whatever you say princess. I read your post as "Anthony Cumia... Please love me... I can be racist too". You should maybe try a different way to his heart sweetie.

Probably won't get too many upvotes ending your statement with 'suck it redditfags'.


How retarded are you? First of all it's been basically established that Breuer was trolling Anthony, and apparently you even worse. And anyone who just drops buzz words about the other political spectrum is a fucking moron, think for yourself. I'm not even liberal but you are fucking annoying, "ANYBODY WHO DISAGREES WITH ME IS A LIBERAL FAG MUSLIM, WAIT THAT MEANS NOTHING AND I DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW ANYTHING."


Then why are you on reddit you dumb fuck, and none of us do that shit. Anyways either you're a troll or the dumbest person ever, either way pathetic, nice talking to you.


Ok, whatever you say princess. I read your post as "Anthony Cumia... Please love me... I can be racist too". You should maybe try a different way to his heart sweetie.

