This may go nowhere, but what's your favorite thing on the show that's not quite a bit?

26  2013-06-01 by [deleted]

I like Jimmy's obvious questions. Like when Anthony is complaining about how something is horrible and there's a pause and Jimmy asks, "You don't think it's good?" Anthony: "NOOOOOOOOOO..."


When Sam Roberts chimes in.. I'm sorry, I think Sam is hilarious. I remember his exchange with O&A in regards to guests from the Avengers movie..

Opie: So wait, we're not getting any of the heroes? No Robert Downey Jr, no Chris Hemsworth, no Chris Evans? HE'S A FAN OF THE SHOW! WHY AREN'T WE GETTING THE HEROES? Why do we have to get stuck with Loki?

Jimmy: Maybe their publicists just couldn't get them here (trying to be a sweet boy, as usual)

Sam chimes in: You can't have the heroes because they know you're talking to Loki and the heroes wouldn't want to associate with anyone who's talking to their mortal enemy. (done in his typical deadpan 'hey I'm just relaying information here' style)

I am paraphrasing Sam here but his timing / delivery were just impeccable. He has a lot of talent, and it shows.. even if he gets his balls busted constantly.

Agreed. He is amazing at deadpan And sarcastic humor. I personally love the guy on the radio.

I love the guy as long as he picks his spots. There are definitely times when I find myself going "OK Sam, take it easy for a minute".

Opie too.

They're both just excitable, sweet boys with heads full of candy.

Like little scorch?

I used to hate him, now he's one of my favourite parts of the show.

I agree! Also I think Sam's interactions with any of Jim's characters particularly Edgar are hilarious. This is one of my fav clips of all time, so funny.

Haha thanks this is amazing! Double guns bitch!!

I love Sam, but I also love when Travis is on the show.


He had a line that got me good last week. They were talking about 2 Chainz and how he used to called Tity Boi and dumb Opie asks "why would he call himself that?!" or something along those lines and Sams deadpan response was 'maybe because he loves tittys'. Sam gets it.

The thing is he's amazing on the show. He sucks on the shit show.

Sam is fucking great, sometime's he has the best comment of the day, he's akin to Ronnie B with his dry uuuuumor that he goes under appreciated.

Sam is, in fact, great. But let's take it down a notch with the comparisons to Ronnie B.

Akin meaning similar. I would never put anyone in the same class as Ronnie.

Good man

When Sam talks wrestling in kayfabe is the funniest thing on the planet.

I hated him at first, but he's grown a lot on me lately

Tss what is he a tumor or sum'n

More like a threemor Chippa!

*snort* Fuckin thescrapplekid, how am I supposed to get anything done in this madhouse!


You muddafuckas are a couple of wing bats!

"Erock, comment?"

Erock, condiment?

That probably counts as a bit.



Anytime Dennis Falcone comes in. It's kinda a bit towards the hackyness of radio but he's actually interesting and kinda funny

Agreed, as a general radio junkie, I love Dennis.. its scary how he 'fits in' with the show, even though he's so not typically what you'd expect to hear on O&A.

Ever since he came on anytime something remotely related to the business comes up I keep saying to myself "see waht Denny thinks!!!"

As a radio "youngster"... I have learned two things 1. DON'T mention O&A (or what a fanboy I am) to any of my bosses. 2. DO listen to everything Denny says for on-air coaching- I literally did an entire shift "show" where I just took all of his advice (from that week where they had him on like 3 times) as a joke for myself, and the bosses loved it... Someday terrestrial will catch up. Also, if you're wondering (you're not- I know), it's a major market rock station.

You have a radio show on a major market? What show and station? I know the boys love to showcase other shows...

Hahaha I'd be one those dudes that would call and tell them how honored I am to be jocktober-ed. Unfortunately, they don't seem to give a shit about overnight music jocks :( Plus I slipped in the the phrase "bringing you the night time attitude" once.

I personally love when the boys are talking about a topic and Opie brings that topic around to a situation where he had to use fatherly judgment to address it. It shows that the boys are humans and have to deal with the same problems we all have. It's those real moments that we all hope to hear when we tune in everyday. Warms my heart.

Is that you Col?


I like how you brought it around like a 7th grade book report /u/opiesucks

I love when Chippah goes 'fuckin cumia'

Anytime Jimmy announces a callers name such as "BOBBAY!"

Every time Bobby is in, and they say "BOBBAY!," I always respond with BOBBO!


Welcome aboard, Mike!!!

Another great one that always gets me.

Mike! Ohhh you can call him ray butya doesnt have to call him Hhhhi johhn

Helllo BILL.

Hey der Rob!





When tired Jimmy chimes in with a movie/tv show/character/whatever idea and just improvs all the way through (ie. Your Baby is Dead or Grocery Man).

The man with a town in his head

Is there a link to this somewhere? I don't remember it and my youtube skills fail me.

Just type in Jim norton the twilight zone

I find it funny when one of the guys, usually Ant or Jimmy, make a horrible joke, and then immediately explain it. It's usually very funny after that.

yeah, that little nervous laugh followed by "y'know, because..." usually gets a smile out of me.

Holy fuck. I hi-jack that move everyday. Most the time I know I'm gonna follow up a shitty joke with it, but my favorites are when I honestly make a shitty joke and have to do it for real

"So, new listener, huh? What's your favorite part of the show..........?"

Every time Norton does his impression of Bob Kelly, and goes "shmarmy," Ant involuntarily repeats the word "shmarmy." I think that part of the impression just tickles him pink.

When bobo calls.

And Jimmy's disgust at it.


Jimmy: "I have a show on the 2nd.........aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnd I have one on the 3rd.............aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannd, etc."

Not a bit at all but when ant says " aaalright" after some proves him wrong just after he says something.

I find myself unwillingly doing this in casual conversations.

I do this willingly and unknowingly in everyday life. Its kind of funny when someone brings it to my attention

me too. and ive started typing alright with 3 "a"s sometimes too

every. goddamn. day.

When Ant and Jim hit on girls in the studio.

"What's your favorite drink?"

Because Anthony thinks everyone is as big of a lush as he is.

It's not like what everyone has posted, but I love when I hear Travis belt out one laugh in the background. He's not on mic so it's so loud that it gets picked up by someone else's.

Yes! When they were looking up roadkill pictures with the get well soon balloons last week!

any mention of the word "hat"

Whenever they talk about someone in a wheelchair.

Nice legs, dick! Pristine shoes etc.

the simple banter during the intro. it always seems like its their first day on radio and that they dont know what to say to start the show. i love how its only op and ant talking during the first couple minutes, its like they always start the show off the way its always been just two friends talkin shit

ant-"ha ha noises" opie-"gooooooodmorninnn" ant-"chugachugachugachuga chooo chooo, i love that part reminds me of a train" opie-"is it friday yet?" ant-"that old gag"

i like when jimmy talks about getting photos and autographs. the time he tried to get j. lo's autograph and patrice trashing him was hilarious. also when jimmy was talking about meeting nicholas cage on an airplane.

Yeah, I enjoy Jim's stories about his encounters with celebrities. He'll bash them sometimes like when he bashed Joan Rivers for not agreeing, but he can also show class as in the Mick Jagger situation.

Discussion of the 'O&A Nugget' makes me crack up every time

I like when Jimmy asks obvious questions too. When Louis and the boys were talking about gambling and how losing at Blackjack sucks Jim said "Do you think people would get upset if every time the dealer won a hand they went YESSSSS!"

I thought that was so damn funny

when they're interviewing someone, and a topic involving a kid comes up and Paul lets out a quick "suuuuure." the fact that the guest NEVER acknowledges it is great.

I'm starting to like the serious discussion. I mean, the whole Chip tangents are fun, but today Jim really went insightful and started talking about his debate, and how the fans weren't helping by attacking the person he was debating.

Despite criticism regarding his lack of formal education, Jim, when serious, really is one of the most smartest people on the show.

Master Po correcting obviously absurd estimations is probably my all-time favorite non-bit on the show.


Technically a bit but it's different every time, Ant and Jimmy's obsession with applying dialog from Jaws, the Shining, Cuckoo's Nest, Full Metal Jacket, etc. to stuff in the news and pretty much everything else. It's almost a sickness. Also Ant's exaggerated and musical 'Oooohhhhhhh!' after an announcement or comment he is fake interested in / excited about.

Not sure if its a bit / non-bit, but when the boys come up with an obscure reference and then shit on e-rock for not having related music cued up & ready to go in 15 seconds.


Idk if it's a bit or not but they used to do this thing when for instance Jim Norton, Colin Quinn, Jay Mohrz or anyone familiair would call in the show. Opie would at one point say "your people are telling me I have to let you go..". Implying he wanna end the conversation. I thought the reactions were always very funny from the comics. haha


I love when Jim and Ant say something hilarious and both of them are cracking up and Opie doesn't laugh.

Or how about opie's lethargic "AHH" or the over the top fake "hahahaHAAAAAAAAAAHHH." Now that i think of it, i honestly can't recall the last time I heard Opie really laugh on the show.

Oh common. He's howling when he's bitching about management. He used to get mad but all he can do now is laugh at it.

When opie is out

Can't argue this one. Great post. Don't let these down voting faggots discourage you from making these brilliant posts.