Today was one of those shows.

8  2013-05-24 by Whyver

Just awesome from beginning to end. Great guests and lotsa laughs. Definitely give it a listen.


"Just awesome from beginning to end." That's how I felt about yesterdays show. Today's was really mediocre. Jeffery Tambor's great and I don't know why they thought it was a good idea to have him on at the same time as Foley and whoever that chick was. Norton, Ant, and Tambor would have been great.

That's how I felt about yesterdays show.

I agree. Usually Nopie shows are somewhat rudderless, but yesterday's flowed really well.

Really? I skipped Thursday's show because Ant started the show with the same race rant we've heard a million times. Almost made me miss allergy/kid stories.

Nah, it was pretty tame as far as Ant rants go. Just skip the first 45 minutes, because after that it's a pretty great Jim story and them fucking with Lady Di and her roomate. At the very least, listen to the last 30 minutes when they talk about the bus trip, the whole flow of it and the music drops from Erock is really great.

Are you kidding me. I literally was thinking "A nopie show the day after a black guy saws off someone's head in public? Oh god why do you love me."

whoever that chick was.

Enough about the flat tits!

I agree. Thurs. was great. I usually can't stand Lady Di, but the way they were fucking with her and her "roommate" had me grinning the whole time.

Jeffrey Tambor was great, I hope he comes in more.

Yes! He was sort of a smartass but also funny and humble at times. Like I said, a great show today and I hope you actual fans take time to check it out.

That's his style, he did that on one of Marc Marons live podcasts from SXSW I believe. I love it.

Mick Foley is a boring guest, wrestling is fucked.

Annie Lederman was great and kept him on his toes.

idk i dont mind some girls on th show, but it seems like whenever a newer girl comic comes on she just trys way too hard to get a joke in, she was fine for the first 5 minutes the it was all about some sort of sexual thing, i hate that, why cant you just hang out and go with the flow of the show.

and when your a newer guest and especially the first guest on the show and your there for the rest of the show, we should hear less of them as the show goes on and as the guests get bigger, i just wanted her to shut the fuck up so i could listen to some tambor.

I thought she was great, and kept throwing Mick off, who is kind of interesting, but mostly boring.

She surprised me, I thought she was great. Fumbled at first but turned it around nicely. Had a few absolute bombs too, the good kind that are so bad they make you laugh. I hope she comes back, hopefully instead of awful over-rated Amy Schumer.

I like Amy but Annie was a better companion for Jimmy

Agreed, Amy gets boring really fast, and she goes into written bits all the time. I like when they just talk.

She was great, I'll grant that.

When I was young and into wrestling (about 14) I waited out back of the arena to meet wrestlers and everyone of them passed me and the group around me up except for Mick Foley. He took about 20 minutes and stopped and signed everything we had and had a little conversation with all of us, this was when Foley was a huge deal in the WWF. I don't watch wrestling anymore, but Mick Foley will always be the shit to me, the dude is a genuinely nice guy.


This show was dogshit, like most of the posters on reddit.

You fags wouldn't know humor if someone smashed your funny bone.

Wackbag much?

Each downvote represents one persons butthurt. :D

Says the guy who wrote the previous comment

I only downvote communists when they attempt to sound intellectual. Someone else was butthurt for me.


You are definitely infected with the AIDS. Must be a down low negro, it runs rampant in your community.

You just sound silly now.


she didn't give me much to work with.


You vindictive pussies are so absent of humor, your sandy vaginas must be craving a single drop of ointment.

What is wrong with you


Says the guy who wrote the previous comment