Foley completely motherfucked Tambor today.

0  2013-05-24 by hdjoe

Jeffrey Tambor was hysterical and stupid Mick Foley had to keep butting in with his wrestling stories. What a fuddy duddy.


They had a nice interaction, Tambor initiated with the wrestling movie and asked to see his ear, Mick saw Tambor was into it and even asked for permission to tell one. And then Mick bought it right back to Tambor. Hardly "butting in". Later Tambor bought it back to Mick, they dug talking to eachother, you quay. And it was like one or two mini stories, and they were good. Mick Foley rules, go fuck. Je-sus Christ, people will bitch about anything on this show.

I love when an interview doesn't go someones way they have to come here and bitch about it. The boys have a very relaxed environment. The conversation can veer at any moment. Would you prefer a prefabbed morning zoo environment? Then these things are going to happen. I thought the show and interview were great today. Friday shows rule!

Mick Foley could murder my firstborn child and i'd still like the guy.


I really wish it was just Opie, Anthony, and Jim in the studio for the Tambor interview.

