6  2013-05-24 by bigplansisay

I'd be double gunnin' it on the Ant'ny bus wit the bitches and Chippa.

Seriously though. This bus tour is going to be such a disaster i don't think I've ever anticipated a run of radio episodes this much.


the one that Troy isn't on.

Edgar's bus. Just me and him in the back popping saltines and playing Appril Foals pranks on Grapecheeks.

That creep needs to take over the norton advice show.

For the past few weeks, I've been thinking about calling in(I don't listen to the show live) and just asking "Hey Jim, big fan, but I have a question for Edgar. Can you please put him on? Then asking him about my wife not blowing me, losing weight or sleep apnea."

I...can...heelp...you....lozz....weight............aprill folls

What are you a queeb? Obviously the one with ALL THE BITCHES!!!!

Both busses....buses?...... are gonna be dry and have kids on them. Should be terrible.

But great radio.

and have kids on them

I see what you did there...

SFP Tour bus.

My guess is Ant is drinking again by this point so probably the party bus just to watch him crash, although I'm more suited for the boring bus with Opie & Sam since I don't drink either.

"I just wanna be part of this bus trip, alright" - Rosa Parks


Any bus is fine with me.

this is gunna be the greatest week of radio, cant wait to hear the difference in the buses

I just wanna be a part of it alright, I'll eat Mr. Maloonagins poop allright, I'm not lyying.

Whatever bus troy isn't on plus married bus has sam,Travis and erock so that would be fun

the funny bus. we all know which one I'm talking about...