Lady Di on the After Show today

17  2013-05-22 by squigy0

The combination of her not knowing who Sam was, us getting caught up on the tragedy that is her life, and Opie & Anthony being long gone not having to put up with this crap & leaving Sam at the reigns to abuse her made for great entertainment!


Never been a big fan of Sam, but, I really enjoyed him smashing Lady Di today.

I used to hate him, but now I find him hilarious.

Sam did a brilliant job of insulting her, calming her down, and then insulting her again. It was great to hear him smash her.

tss tss Lady Di on the After Show, why didn't they give her CPR or sumthin?

Fuckin' double chest compressions, muthafucka... tsss...

Sam was truly at his best today. for a quick second i missed the retarded Lavern and Shirley... then Lady Di reminded my why i want to curb stomp her when i hear her voice.

I haven't heard Sam's clip yet, but this morning with Ant and Jim was great great radio. Made me miss the old days. Also I never realized that Lady Di was the original female Bobo.


Wow thanks for letting us know.

Thanks for posting about this. I don't always listen to the aftershow, maybe 2 out of all 5 post shows, because it's hard enough to fit 3 1/2 hrs of listening into my schedule but now I am definitely going out of my way to listen. Judging from everyone's comments this is a must listen.

No problem. I've been in the same boat as well, usually running out of time lately and figuring I won't miss much by skipping Sam. Glad I actually had time yesterday to listen and was able to help others usually doing the same!

so glad i didnt turn it off the after show, it was such a weird dynamic hearing her and sam talk, at first i thought she might have gotten her life together....then she says she dosent have a job and watches re runs and drinks, that fucking idiot will never change and how stupid is marianne for still being friends with her

I've been hot and cold on Sam, but he really did an amazing job with that.

every time she says "a'right?" I want her to do a show with Bobo.

Oh god, I'm not sure how I would feel about that.

I've heard of this broad a few times before, but I didn't realize she was the female Bobo.

Actually no. That's an insult to Bobo. She is literally as dumb as Bobo, but a lot more pathetic. What a piece of shit.