you assholes really love the constant recaps through out the episode from dummy?

0  2013-05-17 by opiesucks

how many times am i going to have to hear about the fucking sponge bob ice cream?!?! really moving the show along.


I don't know how many times are we going to have to hear about how Opie sucks?

Its a radio show not everyone listens to it for 4 hours straight like the ones on this forum

opiesucks is a hack troll, he's the tom papa of trolls, he's not even doing it right, and you guys are feeding his bullshit.

you know this fucking idiot listens to the show and writes down stuff opie says, just to make a post about it.

Not far off really. I'm only trying to get others to agree with me. That's all. It makes me feel better knowing others who have an appreciation for humor and naturally funny conversation notice how bad opie is to listen to on a daily basis. That's all.

The other day when Ant was trying to talk about the prom issue, the interrupting was infuriating. ... And about the racial issue in Louisiana. Opie just wouldn't let Ant talk. Every time he started a sentence!


...and without Opie, there'd be no show at all - so deal with it.


Typical cliched response.

Yea there would. They're called Nopie shows and they're amazing.

I think the opiesucks account is shared by several O&A staffers, including G.H. There has never been a consistent voice or style in any of your threads.

can you just publish a manifesto and delete your account? we get it...

Shit. Great idea. What should I call it?

I feel like OP(OpieSucks) is a disgruntled former worker. Possibly his ex-gfs brother who has been black-balled from radio because of his song on Hot97, Which he still blames Opie for. If not, he is just an obsessive douche(?). I think it would be better if it was the first type, because the latter is just sad.

Nobody likes you.

Can you just fuck off at this point? I mean, as long as we're discussing repetitive bullshit...