What I think of Ant dating a girl who's still in high school.

36  2013-05-11 by [deleted]


Ant's a dirtbag. Love the guy, but that's so creepy.

I think he's just more honest with himself than most people. He's not a rapist or something.

Ant barks loud on occasion but he doesn't strike me as a scheming person that takes advantage of people.

Im not saying he's a rapist. I'm saying it's creepy as fuck when a guy who's 50+ is dating a 17 year old.

It was the norm for thousands of years of human history. In fact whats creepy and abnormal is that he doesn't have a harem of young harlots living in his place. Traditional = post 1900, but the fuck young girls gene is still there.

I do wonder how he can actually have a relationship with a girl that young though. I'm 25 and it's immediately obvious when a girl i date is any younger than 21 (boring).

I didn't know Kennigit listened to O&A. You should make your players all listen too.

I agree wholeheartedly with your second point, though. It's almost incomprehensible that Ant, a 50 year old multi-millionaire radio host, can even develop some kind of emotional or intellectual relationship with a girl that young. What the fuck could they possibly talk about together? Nothing, so it boils down to using her like a fleshlight.

Who knows, maybe her father also has a big Amazon wishlist too?

Every day :)

I try to get TL people to listen to O&A and Davey Mac, but they aren't interested :( .

I have no clue, can you imagine him quoting Seinfeld episodes to someone who was 2 years old when it was on air?...."heh heh...oh yeah thats hilarious...show me more reruns on bluray".

Yeah its not a relationship he's just fucking them until he's tired of them

i mean, the guy just bought a lifesized velociraptor. his body may be over 50, but he's still an 18 year old in his head.

It isn't the norm when you look at the majority of relationships. I get that. But if they are both cool with it then who gives a shit? He's hung out with her parents too and they aren't raising a stink.

So you'd be cool with your daughter dating Ant?

Sure he would, he would let them fuck in her bedroom!!!

1hominid would tape it.

A-fuck yes. Why not? What are you, a puritan?

Really? Sorry most girls build an emotional bond with a man so even fucking them is taking advantage of them, its sad and pathetic. It also shows he is as shallow as a puddle.

Well, he IS a dream rapist. :D

It's creepy as fuck and being in my mid 20's, HS girls aren't as appealing to me as girls in their 20's. But I would absolutely do the same thing if young girls would want me when I'm 67 too

He's 52

Oh literal, tnick771

Honestly, how much more time does he have doing this?

As long as he feels like it. Plenty of girls out there that go for this kind of setup.

She's "cute", 60 year old ant gets meh girls.

His last one was pretty hot.

Yeah that worked.
Edit: I can't spell neither can ipad.

he would go younger if he was legally allowed to.


It's not pedophilia if they've alread had their first period.

EDIT: Not saying it's right though.


Hands down the most pathetic thing I've seen him do is retweet a page of her homework and make some moronic comment about it being "indoctrination". Professor Anthony could do with an education of his own.

When I first heard he likes younger girls I thought like 22-24 or something like that.

If I were a dude, the last thing I'd ever want to stick my dick and try to have a relationship with would be a teenage girl.

I'll stick my dick in anything sexy, and this girl certainly is. Ants a kid in his head still, Im sure its a perfect match emotionally too. You know what would be the last thing I'd stick my dick in? Fat female truckers.

Sorry unless its a hooker you gotta speak to those girls eventually and that's just shit.

I guarantee their hot tub conversations are so cringe-worthy that your radio would explode.


I dont know if I would say this girl is sexy. The chick he took to the range with the Barrett, right? Eh...

Drive by any high school you'll see comparable, maybe not Nebraska but.....

She's pretty good. Not end of the world sexy, but pretty sexy. Actually I take back sexy, she's more cute than anything

I'm a dude and this is the very first thing I want to do, minus the 'try to have a relationship with' part.

He never graduated high school. Is it that surprising?

I'm the same age as his girlfriend, I can't imagine the shit a girl at my school would face if she started dating a 52 year old man, even if he was rich.

Yeah, I don't fault Ant for wanting to do it, but I don't understand how a teenage girl would want to be with a 52 year old.

Her parents are "hateable" (to quote one of Jimmy's crutches). Kids that age don't know any better, so it's up to the parents to be the responsible ones.

Why is everyone giving a fuck, if he likes to fuck young woman let himm, she is 17? she knows what she is doing (fucking an old dude) if they are both happy, let them be.


I absolutely love it. Can't stand the jealous haters. I absolutely would love to have fresh pussy when I'm that old.

He's still a great radio talent, but he's gotten much angrier and much more creepy over the last few years. I can't even follow him on twitter anymore. And of "da boys" he's the least likable. In a non-tranny hunt situation Jimmy would probably be the most fun to hang with. Opie plays a total dick on air, but you can tell it's a work. Ant is just an angry old man.


What I'm getting from this thread and the other one about ApologyGirl is that no one knows her age and people give way too many fucks

Who gives a fuck, consenting adults and all that

A 17 year old is not an adult.

A 17 year old is not an adult.