So... who's this. Erock must want them to get a good talking to

23  2013-05-08 by [deleted]


He was tweeting his weight



Is he giving out someones number on twitter? It must be someone he hates. Maybe it's a salad?

Opiesucks' number?

He's giving out his nemesis grocery man's number.

Hoagie Boy strikes again.

Maybe he's talking about intern Allen and meant #showerhater

VIP line?

Maybe he's quitting

Kentucky area code? I don't think so. Probably someone who calls in a lot and is annoying

Yeah, I'm from Lexington, and I can confirm that's a Louisville, KY number.

I'm from the internet and I can confirm that's a Louisville, KY number.


isnt doctor steve from kentucky?

Tennessee .

Fluids or sumpin

meh i was close

i called it and got frank sinatra singing "my way."

Maybe it wasn't Frank, Schwoogie. Maybe it was the it was the legendary preformer seen only at Club Piscopo!

give me a little credit here, i think i would have known the most recognizable, famous voice in entertainment.


Does anyone know for sure?

502-821-0599 Is the number

Why dosen't someone ring it...


Cause I live in Northern Ireland

fucking frogs
