Opie and Anthony One Hour Podcast

59  2013-05-07 by [deleted]

opie radio ‏@OpieRadio 2h

Happy to announce the 1 hour a week Opie and Anthony podcast will start up next week. Featuring new and some old bits from our SiriusXM show

anyone else have anymore details? If I'm posting wrong I apologize, first post.


They did it! Now to wait 1 month for that Entertainment news show next door to flop,then maybe they can expand the studio!

Well moving you guys to that studio could be done but it will cost 4,500,000,000,000 dollars

i still dont get how the fuck it would cost so much to knock down a wall.

Anthony said exactly how....because codes in NYC say that once a wall goes down you have to re-do we ductwork all the way to the center duct of the building .....even if the new duct is following the old duct to all but the final 10 feet.

That building is one of the most elite pieces of office real estate in the world, so you can bet doing anything there will cost a lot.


Its not building code, its the unions.

TIL the boys are right around the corner from my office...

Today????? I think the most interesting thing about that building is the legendary trapped in the elevator story and they've never mentioned that. There are great YouTube vids about it. That guy's life really ended up being ruined by it too, and he got relatively little for a settlement.


Wow, TIL I work around the corner from where that guy got stuck in a elevator...

I've also learned that I apparently lived in a bubble my entire life. I'll have to see if I can spot them leaving one day.

So wait, it actually would have cost that much? I was under the impression that that was a bullshit figure provided by someone who just didn't want to do it.

It was a real figure, but the biggest figure might have been worst case scenario. I know people in ny real estate. When you're dealing with "class A" office space and a skyscraper like that, stuff balloons in cost.


We could always start an O&A kickstarter for them to leave Sirius, or knock down that wall.

This has to be a joke... Fucking Finally! Everyone needs to download this shit!

Seems to be legit and free.

While it will be good to bring more people to the show, for most of us, who have heard probably every single classic show moment, it won't be of much value I'm afraid.


And let's hope this leads to a podcast where they do new material. A weekend show to round up the week would be fantastic, and could bring listeners onto the regular show.

its about fucking time.

I'm glad they finally got the podcast and I'm sure I will check it out, but nothings beats what fans are doing on YouTube. People like JasonaYeiter who are throwing up old clips and editing them so that you have the whole bit, even if the bit went several days long. I do like the idea of a podcast though, its better then what they have on the Indy Channel, and will hopefully lead to more fans. I suspect a O&A podcast will it'll take off on Itunes.

I agree. The O and A in video format is most amazing thing ever. It's absolutely appalling that SirusXM doesn't put those guys on video format like Stern used to be.

One of my favorites: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-azkcpX_PlU

are there any more of these audio dubbed videos? i love this stuff

any more ona youtubers with videos?

I'm all pissy eyed with excitement!

Pffffftttttt...JEEsuuss Christ. SUNuva bitch.

So, there's still no video element?

This is what I want. kthx.

Way back in the day at WNEW there used to be. Paltalk partially counts, but the live room is filled with idiots, and the camera only focuses on Ant. I'd like a camera that shows the whole studio.

Lets push the fuck out of this, if they see that they have a big enough fanbase that they can get advertisers on their podcast maybe they will finally leave that shitty company.

Start spamming /r/comedy and /r/funny with the best of clips from older shows with popular comedians.

Liberty Media will hopefully get it

This is great, but I think too little too late. O and a fans are easily able to access any past show/bit whenever they want. I Guess it's good for non fans though.

It's not about the current OnA fans. We'll download the show from itunes anyway. It's meant for the people who listen to podcasts on itunes exclusively (which is a massive audience). They will get a lot of crossover new fans from Rogan, Carolla, Maron, etc.

They really need to use a lot of Patrice segments.

That too.

SiriusXM will screw this up somehow. It will probably be available only through Siriusxm.com, to drive traffic to the website. Then their hosting will go down when hundreds of listeners try to download it at the same time.




get em chippah

definitely a good thing, but there should really be a best-of-O&A channel on SiriusXM.

It's about fucking time. AIIIDSSSS

Yes! Fantastic news!

AIIIIIIDDDDDSSSSSSS!!!! (sorry its habit when ever i see opie's twitter handle.

Hopefully they pick good clips. I hope it's nothing but Jimmy's characters and Ant's rants and stories. Unfortunately I have a feeling I will be disappointed and they will just replay boring interviews with the biggest names.

They should start with best of Patrice, Colin, Loius CK, and Dice, unless they are doing clips of the current weeks show or something.

They should start with best of Patrice, Colin, Loius CK, and Dice, unless they are doing clips of the current weeks show or something.

Double guns, bitches!!

1 hour for a 4 hour 5 day a week radio show with old bits included? It's something but it's a small fucking piece of the pie of what they could be putting out.

Well its just a tease so people subscribe

but that doesn't work in this day and age and is a stupid format for how many hours O&A produce on a weekly basis.

It's going to be an hour of Ant talking about 'negroes.'



We can only hope.

god, i fucking wish. shit, i'd pay for that subscription.



And let's hope this leads to a podcast where they do new material. A weekend show to round up the week would be fantastic, and could bring listeners onto the regular show.