What's Jimmy's obsession with the death penalty?

5  2013-05-07 by stevenknight

Over the last few weeks its come out a lot (Boston bomber + Amanda Berry kidnapper), whats everyone's thoughts on the death penalty?


Just another example of Jimmy's concrete binary thought process. It's all or nothing, black or white, 0 or 1.

Jimmy is a hypocrite about the death penalty. When Damien Echols was on promoting his book, Jimmy was crying about what a travesty it was. Now, he's playing judge, jury and executioner.

Wanting a guilty person to be killed and not wanting an innocent person to be killed. What a hypocrite. Lolwut?

First off, "binary" is one of those words pretentious know-nothings use to give credence to their dull ideas. Trust me, I'm in a college English class, and I hear this word dropped all the time by English majors. (PS: why are women obsessed with shades of grey, inventing complexity where there is none? Sometimes the world is black and white.)

Second: it's an inescapably "binary" issue, stupid. You support the existence of the death penalty or you don't. I don't support its existence... I can't simultaneously not support it and support it. Simple political issues are usually binary, and those are generally the ones that generate the most buzz--gay marriage is another prime example of this.

Third: he "cried" about the death penalty with Damien Echols because Damien Echols was innocent. The Boston bomber clearly isn't innocent -- it's not even up for debate.

You're a stupid BRAWD.

EDIT: And all the bitching about Jimmy on this subreddit blows my mind. He's the most intelligent guy on the show by a fucking mile.

Trust me, I'm in a college English class.



Pot kettle black

I think you are right about it being two completely different issues- innocence/guilt versus punishment, but I also think you're being a dick.

yet a jury convicted Echols, to them he was clearly guilty

This fucking guy, hahahahahaha.

Binary is a term used professionally in several different fields... not just English or computer science.

Are you... passing... your "college English class?"


Damien Echols was found guilty of a heinous crime, even though he was innocent. It took an HBO documentary, and a public outcry for them to be released. Even then, they still had to plead 'guilty' before they were freed.

With the death penalty, you can't be right most of the time. You have to be right all of the time. If you can't meet that standard, it's not worth the cost of an innocent life.

i met Damien Echols at a shitty mall in Salem, MA this weekend. He was in the food court with his hot wife. I should have taken a pic. The end!

Really? I wonder what he was doing up there? Guess he doesn't hang much with Johnny Depp or Pearl Jam anymore.

i think he lives in Salem.

He really was a witch.


He is a fucking comedian who takes him seriously?

I'm generally not for it, but some animals just do not deserve to breathe. So many people just adapt to the prison life style and it just becomes a life, they get to eat, exercise, learn and occasionally be entertained through books and such. I don't get why someone that unabashedly and unforgivingly kills, maims, tortures innocent people minding their own business, deserve those things? Yes prison should be there to reform those people, but some of these animals are completely undeserving.


In my opinion, the crime needs to fit the punishment. You steal, you make restitution. You assault someone, you get assaulted. You sneak into the parking spot I've been waiting for, off with your fucking head!!

I honestly do not get the bloodlust so many people have with the death penalty. I don't get a hard on for revenge. Just lock them up so they can't harm any of us.

That being said, it does annoy me when Jimmy goes off on a reactionary tangent of wanting people to be executed. Opie does it too occasionally. But you just have to shrug off. People are going to disagree with you, live with it. If you can't get past that, then good luck with your little echo chamber.


When deadly crimes of such magnitude are committed, I believe the death penalty should be used as an example to deter more crimes like that from happening. O&A were screaming about the press using James Holmes's name, and about that piece of shit who was shown on TV by writing "Killer" on his shirt and taunted the victims family. The media only brings fame to their actions. The problem is that many of these criminals are minors or teenagers, and most of America isnt ready to put teenagers to death. People believe they can be "saved" or "rehabilitated". Also, the justice system is so fucked up that slimy lawyers can tie up these cases and keep these murderers off of death row or potentially set them free using terms like "contaminated evidence" or "reasonable doubt". It's all just so sickening.

Except the deterrent doesn't work, and these guys are martyrs, it's absolutely what they want to prove their silly point.

Crime rates keep going down. The death penalty keeps being used less than in the past. I don't buy the deterrent argument. If someone's willing to risk decades in prison it's not going to take much more desperation or depravity to make them willing to risk death.

A comedian being controversial and entertaining!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!

What's wrong with the death penalty? Whether it's a deterrent of not, it certainly gives the victim's family and loved ones a deep sense of catharsis and closure, and I would imagine that's extremely beneficial to moving along the healing process. To me, that's far more important than allowing some scumbag to live out the rest of his life in prison just so that you feel self-righteous for not stooping to his level or whatever.
