Asshole of the week

1  2013-05-03 by BeardedAxWound

This douche Alan blatantly stole this bit from Howard Stern's "Douche of the week" right?


Along the same line, isn't the "story" Opie told today about handing over a stack of PBA cards the same story Ant has told in the past?

I don't remember this, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if Opie retold Ant's stories as his own

I haven't listened to Stern in about a year now, but IIRC, DOTW was a bit on back office radio, a once-a-week show buried on 101 with an entirely different premise.


I'm pretty sure he stole it from Adam Carolla.

See Friday Bitch Bag

Duh. Every bit on every radio show is stolen from Howard.