The Opie & Anthony Channel is moving from XM 105 to XM 103...and you have to hunt around to realize that

29  2013-05-01 by squigy0



I've been tempted to cancel my subscription and just download episodes but I do like the idea of helping out the show with my money, and the easy features (when they're not being shitty), of being able to time shift the show and on demand this channel and other channels' shows (Unmasked, Town Halls, countdown shows, etc.)

**edit because I'm a dummy that doesn't know how to spell episodes


I'm currently in a 30 day trial for their online only package and I couldn't agree more. Pretty sad when some dick on Youtube is doing a better job than this entire company.


Anybody have the access to change the channel number in the right-side pane? I'm a lil OCD and it bothers me that it says that it's Sirius 105 when it's really Sirius 206, and it says XM 206 when it's XM 103.

This is pretty much why I don't use SiriusXM to listen. You can download or listen through Paltalk.

Paltalk has another room that is quieter than the Live room (which is usually 200 people chatting at once while people flash boobs)

What's the link to the paltalk channel?

When I heard O&A were going to XM I went out and bought the MyFi and happily paid the extra money for them as a premium channel. Fast forward past the merger I got a new vehicle and wanted to add it's radio to my account. Somewhere along the way my billing got fucked up, I got sick of dealing with them month after month and cancelled and have been downloading the show since. I miss listening live but fuck this company, they don't deserve my money.

Do they see the writing on the wall? Are they just going to coast until they eventually have to declare bankruptcy? You don't see ANY advertising for them. Their customer support is shit, you have big names like Louis CK laying it out for them why they're fucking retarded yet they do nothing.

If this company is going to stay alive it's going to be based off of the original content they provide like O&A. They deserve to fail, fuck.

So, Entertainment Weekly radio got O and A's studio AND channel number? This'll be fun!

I came on here to point out this glaring fact. Time for the boys to move on. Shame they already re-signed...

Oh lol they lost the studio? Did they get a bigger one with a visual element, finally?

Minor confusion there. EW got the new studio that O&A were promised, not the one they've been in.

Oh god that's even better.

Hopefully the fact that EW stole their studio, and will be next door, will make for interesting radio.

When you think about it, management did them a favor.

I like how O&A aren't in the chart of moving channels and you have to open the PDF to find out.

But at least they're moving Studio 54 to channel 54! Holy fuck did that make no sense.

Did they update it? Because they are totally in the chart of moving channels that was linked.

Looks like they did. It looks like they added 4 channels to the chart, so O&A weren't the only ones being screwed.

It was just so much easier when it was High Voltage - 202

Was it? It sure was easier to only remember 1 channel number, but they certainly promote and care about the show now just as much as they did in those days. :P

Ha they are talking about it now and Anthony keeps yelling while eating. I am picturing pieces of bread flying everywhere.

I'm gettin' real tired of your shit, Sirius...

I'm just glad my radio will automatically fix my presets for me like they have in the past

Will be cancelling the account tonight and have already canceled the card. I'll just listen to a stream or DL the show later in the day. This company fuckin sucks.

Is this only in Canada?

No. The Canada and US sides both share the same spectrum so a change there would have to be a change here.

I can't help but think this is some sort of passive aggressive move by the radio wizard for all the bashing they've done to him

I wish you could enter in channel numbers on the iphone or web app.

I feel like O&A are really passionate about stuff in the moment, and have good ideas about stuff they'd like to do, but at the end of the show its always a race to leave the building.

How much passion could you have for shit getting done, and changes being made, when you dodge your boss on the way out on a daily basis, and scheduled meetings result in 10+ minutes of whining on air.

Maybe it was really clear to O&A early on that the meetings were pointless and the wizard was dogshit and didnt care about the show. It just seems like it wouldnt hurt to at least spend a couple minutes with the guy when he wants a word, and not bitch when you have to go to a meeting. Maybe you don't trash him on the air every time you mention him. It might show him you care about the show, and in turn he might start giving a fuck.

If you listened to R&F today, Ron and Pepper made it seem like they were made aware of the channel change a while ago.

I doubt the company was keeping O&A in the dark about this. I'm beginning to feel like the boys just don't care. They run for the elevator the second the show ends and then bitch and moan when they don't get everything they ask for while on the air.

My car radio with add 103 on its own right? This isn't some bullshit trick where I have to subscribe to them on 103 now as a premium channel.

They've been rambling about this since 6 AM. Good stuff.

Someone should just flood the bosses with emails and calls as "concerned listeners". I'm sure someone out there knows Gary/Rob/Scott Greenstein's email/phone numbers.

Anyone know if there is a twitter hashtag to spam @siriusxm with?

Lol I wish these guys would realize that XM is trying to stifle them and limit their viewership, they are completely at odds with todays hyper politically correct environment. It's time to change venues guys.

No. The Canada and US sides both share the same spectrum so a change there would have to be a change here.