why did Ant stop drinking?

17  2013-04-29 by yurmomsbox

I am behind on the show, but I hear Ant stopped drinking. Have they talked about it?


To get back in shape

That's what he said, but the way Opie brings up the topic makes it seem like he really had a problem. Like to the point where he should have been going to meetings.

Yeah, but Opie has always made it sound like Ant had a serious problem.

And Jimmy too... "There's been many times I've gone over to Ant's house and he's not answering the door, so I walk around to the back door, and there he is passed out on his couch with a gun and an empty bottle of wine. I'm scared to wake him up. Is he going to shoot me or welcome me in?" (paraphrased)

Those are called jokes. There was never actually a chicken crossing a road.

I think if he really did stop for being addicted then they wouldn't be talking about it on the show. I only say that knowing jimmys realationship with AA

I thought the same thing, and then I noticed that Jimmy was silent during that whole part of the show today. And Op felt really awkward bringing it up.

what relationship with AA?

Jimmy having been a part of it,being a fan,etc

Or to get in shape, he was never in shape to begin with from my knowledge.

You'd be wrong there. He's had a personal trainer for years, that comes to his house and he eats healthy. I think ever since he had the stent put in, he's been very health conscience.

When did he have a stent put in? Any audio?

He had his heart operation when they were off the air, so quite a while ago. It's one of those things that seems to be fairly verboten as far as bringing it up on the air goes, I think Patrice did one time where he had to address it, but fuck if I remember.

I wonder if it was because he got catfished

did he really or am i that gay for believing it

There was a "teenage girl" on twitter (@selfcuttinggirl) who tweeted at everyone on the show for ~1 year. Turned out to be a 30-something guy with a wife and kids. Ant would tweet at her a fair amount. Jimmy says he knew she was a man immediately.

He got sick and stopped drinking and then said he wanted to keep doing it because he wants to lose weight and he feels better in the mornings.

His 18 year old girlfriend?

It's so he has more money for ammo and dinosaurs.

I wish he would just get a statue of Erock roaming around on all fours and put it right next to the other dinosaur.

Court order? I hear the toll agents are out to get him.


Panda Express makes me think of E-Rock.


Dont't get the panda ANGRY!

I think you mean Pineapple Express.


It's the worst Chinese food out there.

He said he didn't even drink on his birthday. Weird indeed. He's getting up there in age where those years of partying begin to manifest in bad ways. A part of me is happy he is trying to quit, but a larger part of me is pissed that he's quitting.

He said he wants to drop some pounds for the infamous pool season at the Compound. He also said he enjoys waking up not hungover. On a side not The Opster has increased drinking.

I've been wondering this too. When did he first talk about this? IT's not on youtube.

I think it was on Friday or Thursday.

To get back that smooth complexion

To get in shape or he realized that his body and health would not be able to take it anymore.

Ant quit drinking? What's next? Supporting affirmitve action?

You'd be wrong there. He's had a personal trainer for years, that comes to his house and he eats healthy. I think ever since he had the stent put in, he's been very health conscience.

Those are called jokes. There was never actually a chicken crossing a road.