QUICK VOTE: should I, Opiesucks, continue my constant gold entertaining comments or just stop all together?

0  2013-04-28 by opiesucks

if you have any other suggestions on what i should be doing instead, please list them below.


Part of me thinks you're actually Opie, and you post this shit fishing for compliments.

Just leave.

go away troll

i vote you should reword or add some punctuation to the tile of this post. it makes no fucking sense.

I enjoy the consistency.


Like you're actually going to leave if that is the prevailing sentiment.

looking like that isnt the case. the people have spoken. im loved. i shall continue massaging your funny bones.

The top comments are telling you to leave so I don't understand how that isn't the case. I've wasted enough time on this drivel.

Please stay. You're the hero r/OpieandAnthony deserves.

Don't leave. As much as I've downvoted you this sub wouldn't be the same without you.

PS, I've downvoted this for consistency

I find it real hard to care about if someone else cares about a radio show enough to continue a 'persona'.

Here's who put the sticker up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3q9OAqxFbE

Huge fan of your work. I just wish you put more effort into recording all of the Vos like Opieisms.

I <3 you.