After 20 years, Yakov Smirnoff is saying goodbye to Branson

27  2013-04-28 by [deleted]


How the fuck did Laughspin miss covering this breaking news story?

Because whoever is in charge of your social media platform is an incompetent alcoholic fag.

hey thats me

I know, I love you like Bonnie loves Rich.


When are we going to meet up and back over some spikes at the airport? Fuckkkkk yeah! PFFFFFFFTttttt fuckin tires.

Double flats cocksucka!

Fuckkkkkkkkkkk yeahhhhhhhhh

now kiss.

Well...I just went from six to midnight.

At least you didn't cum in your pants while using Burger King wifi and watching this until they asked you to leave after 4 hours.

Fucking faggot.

You're such a sweet boy.


Well, clicking on that really has changed my YouTube recommended for you. I like it.

fuckin' cocksucka...


I don't understand.


Ok, but I don't understand what that has to do with me.


thus, then


JG is a recovering alcoholic. Please don't fuck with his sobriety, it upsets me when he gets upset on Twitter and I've never met him IRL, although I hope to have some nice tea or really good coffee with him.

Because Sam prefers to bring intern faggotry to the air.

I guess he's taking his successful act to London, Paris & New York huh? Someone's gotta show those idiots how to do stage shows.

I feel empty inside.

Why, that's nothing a delicious vegetable medley can't fill up!

That biscuit and soup look horrible.

With delicious Strawberry Romanoff, which is Russian, for strawberry shortcake period blood in a plastic cup.


With a fake candle! Heh!

Huh, After reading the article I kind of have respect for Yakov. The mural he did for ground zero is pretty touching. Google it and check it out. But the jokes the bbbbboys did on him made me laugh my ass off.

Same. I love the bit O&A did on his dinner theater, but after reading his bio on Wikipedia my opinion of Yakov as a person changed. He seems like a good guy and the 9/11 mural garnered a lot of respect from me. Still, that doesn't change how funny the thrashing from O&A was.


This kills the big get of the fall trip. I noticed how even when they planned to go in the spring, yakov only has a show season in Fall.

Were it not for management's incompetence, they could've caught one of his shows

20 years of sold out Branson shows? Damn. Yakov doesn't get the genius cred he's deserved. Maybe Jimmy should head to the Ozarks.

No more vegetable medley...

Hopefully they'll still have real linen napkins.

But... but... There's no magnetic treys in London!

Dibs on the genuine linen napkins!

I want the fake candles!


Why, that's nothing a delicious vegetable medley can't fill up!

I don't understand.
