whatever happened with artie lange and that video of him recently nodding out on the set of his show?

9  2013-04-28 by noooonan

just wondering.


Wondering myself. I remember cringing at the video hard, not so much at Artie, but by his co-workers attempt to keep the show going as if there wasn't anything out of the ordinary happening.


means shit, once a drug addict always a drug addict

I thought it was Mike Francesa


Wouldn't Fuck Any Niggers

Like before, they all just brush his drug dependence under the rug. He's still working and still nodding here or there.

Well, I just caught this over @ /r/cringe - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nubAWLbf73s

That's bad, he's high as a kite...

Take a wild fucking stab in the dark, bro.