Opster is going to go on a rampage.

60  2013-04-26 by Folmz


As much as Opie's bitching can get annoying at times, if this is true it's ridiculous and I'd be pissed too.

So a show that had it's last live broadcast 9 days ago is blocking guests from coming on a show that's live every weekday? That's fucked, why won't the company understand that THSS doesn't do anything for them anymore? Giving someone who is never there that much power is just stupid.


Not anymore, they threw that shit out of court.

What? Stern still does live shows?


Yep, looks like around 3-6 days a month, for around 3.5 hours/day (plus news and wrap up show). The thing is, with a schedule like that you can't even be relevant anymore. He's never on air to discuss breaking news, and even if he is he doesn't seem to give it the time it deserves because he cuts his program so short. Just browsing through a write-up site, it looks like he's spent a grand total of 15 minutes discussing Boston.

Also, his show is formatted so weird these days, it's like listening to a late night talk show. He really is a shell of who he used to be. When I hear him telling his lame one liner jokes, I just sigh. I can't believe that's the same dude I looked up to so much growing up, that guy taught me not to take shit from anyone and how important honesty is, now he judges lame tv shows and lies to his audience all the fucking time.

Yes! It's like he's trying to do a poorly written monologue! It's embarrassingly bad! I was a huge Stern fan, only listen to O & A a few times.last February 2012 I bought best of XM and I rarely change the channel. I wish I could just pay for the O&A channel.

I've written and read that same exact sentiment in this subreddit over and over. Good thing about Stern's show being bad these days is that more people get to join the Erock Army, nigga.



That corporate "this email is only intended for the recipient" is probably what is holding him back. It could invalidate contracts and get him sued.

Even if it is as bullshit as the 'everything here is never factual' clause on /b/.

Howard is like the Japanese WWII soldier in the pacific islands that didn't surrender until the 70s.

It's over. It's been over. Let it go.

I don't get it. How can Howard still have this kind of pull? Isn't Karmazen gone? I understand him being a petty bitch at K-Rock with Mel in his corner, but a lot has changed since then. He's sued the company (and lost), and he comes in twice a week at most to deliver mediocre, stale radio. The days of the shock jock radio wars are gone, and he's an aging dinosaur checking off the days until his contract runs out. What does he have left to leverage his power at Sirius and still pull off this kind of shit? Why do people still kowtow to him?

Is it pull with the company, or is it him just telling guests "if you do their show, you can't do mine"?

And the sad part is most celebs probably don't realize at this point O and A probably have a bigger fan base

And younger and more in touch.

And are a hell of a lot nicer to their guests...

(franchising excluded.. )


I suppose it could be him just telling guests, but then my question would be "why doesn't management tell him to fuck off and do his job according to their rules?" True, management is full of spineless weasels, but what would Howard do in response? Violate his contract, giving Sirius/XM even more leverage against him?

This whole thing is just astonishingly stupid.

I think Stern must have enough stock in the company to get his way on things - it would explain many things

What is Bob Levy tweeting about underneath?

Levy was doing O&A in 2009 and 2010, then (according to him), Howard had him banned from the building for some reason. It sucks, too, because Levy was fucking great on the show.


Howard Stern says he'll leave Sirius XM when his contract ends.

Of course, he's had the same song and dance every single time a contract was nearing the end so that he has bargaining chips for a raise. But with the failed lawsuit and other things in his insane head, it's looking like he's actually done with SiriusXM in 2015. Milked them for every penny and can't do less work for more money this time.

O&A were completely right in telling Bob the worst thing he ever did was leave Stern. He can't even fill fire houses at this point I'm sure. Good thing his new wife makes money.

With all the money and fame and shit you wouldn't think someone would resort to childish fuckery.

Howard is a snake in the grass. He proved that recently by signing a new contract with a company that has given him close to a billion dollars in cash, stock, and bonuses. Then he promptly sued them for $300 million TWICE.

You would if nothing else has helped make change.

When the Bob Levy thing blew up, and Bob ranted on air about how Stern "punishes" comedians who do other shows, Gary addressed it on the Wrap Up Show. He said they don't punish comedians, but it makes them "less special" as they don't exclusively do the show. So Bob was calling them out for this hypocritical bullshit

Love the Bob Levy. I'm about 2 weeks behind on Kidd Chris downloads, but he seemed like he was going to incorporate Bob on his show again, for Cincinnati. When Kidd Chris was on Philly afternoons, Bob Levy was basically the role of Jim Norton, 3rd mic.

That is too much Bob Levy.

Ha, Miserable Men was a pretty good show.

Bob Levy faked all that dumb shit.

I know, but it was entertaining and the show was good overall.

Do you happen to remember the date? I'd love to hear that.


2013-04-26 16:31

Got an email proving @HowardStern & @robertAbooey still COCKBLOCK guests from coming on our show EVEN THOUGH WE WORK FOR THE SAME COMPANY

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [Translate] [FAQ] [Statistics]

You're a good boy, tweet bot.

Is that picture Stern uses on his twitter old or is it a recent heavily photoshopped one.

Have you seen any of his Sirius promo shots, or the one on /r/howardstern?

I can't say if they're old... but they are undeniably & unbelievably 'shopped.

HA HA that one of him with the apple looks like Joey Ramone's death mask stretched over a mannequin, there is absolutely zero soul in those eyes. I could maybe understand this over-shopping on someone who is exclusively on the radio but a large percentage of the population have already seen his Turkey Wattle flapping about on AGT. I cant believe i was a fan of this twat for many years before realising what a self important bellend he is.

I'm dying to read that email. Who was it from? Exact wording?

The conspiracy theorist in me thinks it was from Bababooey telling him to STFU about it.

Poor Bob Levy...fuck

levy making it about himself

It seems to me that it is a little late in the game to be just now finding out about how the Jews run "Showbusiness".

Wait, is that bababooey guy's last name really 'booey'?

Jesus Christ

Gary Dell'Abate?

I don't know if you're joking, I'm assuming you are and giving you an upvote

Yes. His name is Bob A. Booey. That's where they got the name.

And are a hell of a lot nicer to their guests...

(franchising excluded.. )
