Why does Opie keep interrupting people and talking over them?

31  2013-04-22 by urabusxrw

I know there is an annoying amount of Opie hate here, but today is a great example of why. Anthony trying to get something out and Opie just interrupts and yells over him TO REPEAT THE SAME THING HE SAID SECONDS BEFORE. As if it was so important that he needs to interrupt others. And this happens all the time now. To Jimmy, Anthony, guests. What is his deal?


ssshut up

I hate edgar too

yyourre stipid

I poot moon rocks in yer soop. appril foals.

Edgar is the fuckin' best.

I forgive it of him most of the time when they're just chatting and riffing a bit. The only time his interruption really annoys me is when a comedian or guest is telling an interesting and/or hilarious anecdote, and Opie will interrupt mid-way through and relate it to something incredibly mundane and/or not at all hilarious that happened in his life.

I think he needs to learn to hold his tongue a little is all. Just because something relates to you, it doesn't make it funny or interesting enough to break the flow of a good story for.

you mean pointing out he's a father any time someone under 12 is brought up?

Yeah, that's really annoying and repetitive. Like someone pointing out that they don't like Opie every time he's brought up.

People in glass houses, opiesucks.

yeah, he doesn't wait to hear everything the person says. the first thing the person says he disagrees with, or that reminds him of something else, boom. opie is talking over the guy, while the other guy is still going, and then opie gets mad and does the "alright ALRIGHT SHUT UP" thing.

i like opie, i think he's hilarious but the only thing that bothers me is him interrupting callers CONSTANTLY. he either needs to let them speak and then say his side, or not take the calls, which he's said before he doesn't like going to them.


I like the old shows, but I don't mind the new ones that much either. There are drawbacks, but there aren't any radio shows (other than podcasts) that have this kind of show.

check out R&F. the first 30 minutes or so from Monday's show had me laughing my ass off.

Show is boring now. They just rip on Scorch every day. Ripping on Scorch used to be fun, but when they do it every single day it's ridiculous.

Again, they're not talking about the news enough and they're just rambling about nonsense. Can't listen to any more today and they're only 37 minutes into the show.


Well, here let me tell you. SO YOU KNOW THIS? Well apparently this girl on Twitter... YOU BOTH KNOW MORE ABOUT THIS THAN ME! Well there were these tweets... I WAS JUST RE-TWEETING STUFF I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THIS!

Holy fuck dude.

yeah he does it sometimes, but ever notice when its a nopie show and a sentence or bit comes to an end and then nobody knows what to say next and its this awkward silence until ant or jimmy try to talk again, because usually opie is interrupting or moving on to the next subject

not saying he dosent do it and not saying its annoying sometimes, but i think if he didnt do that to move the show along there would be alot of awkward silences

This old argument again? I'll take awkward silences over forced sports talk and shitty pop culture any day. Shit, some of my all time favorite shows have coincidentally been Nopie shows.

this is amazing. night made.

Oh my god you're right. This is fucking hilarious

Edit: it's very hit or miss cuz a lot of people can't do the meme concept - but when someone does right its a homerun.

I honestly think he's worried about becoming irrelevant. They talk all the time about how this show isn't going to last and they're going to have to move onto another medium. Ant has live at the compound, Jimmy will always be a great standup, but Opie's backup plan seems to be youtube because who the fuck would listen to a podcast by him?

The irony is that Opie looks down on most podcasters since he's been in the business so long. I'm sure he'd get a nice following, but nothing close to what he gets on the show. I mean just look at his Youtube account. He was bragging the other day about having 40 million views on his channel. Considering he's had the account for just under 5 years and has been promoting it non stop on show, thats not very good at all. Hell, there's everyday schlubs that have more views than him in their first year.

I remember when that one weird kid who does the lip sync videos was on, the one who had 50 cent in one of his videos. The kid had more views on one dumb video than Opie did on his whole channel and he was fucking chapped

NOT ME!!!!!

without fail...

He was annoying the shit out of me this morning when they were talking about that 39 year old dude that pretended to be that 15 year old girl. He was just going out of his way to act like "I don't know what you're talking about" "I know nothing about this". Just shut the fuck up for one second and you'll find out!!!

I usually don't mind him as much as most people seem to do, but "HOLY FUCK" that was the most annoying Op has ever been.

If they ever do another 'Most annoying 30 seconds" I plan on making a montage of Opie sniffing into the mic.

Short list of Opie montages:

  • Compilation of Opie overusing words (Howling, horrendous, obviously, 'all hell breaking loose' etc)

  • Stupid Opie ('Ice Cuuuuuuube', Coppola directed Goodfellas, placemat fun facts, etc.)

  • Daddy Opie (compilation of him boring the audience with parenting talk)

Someone get on it! I'm too lazy.

Another word he over uses is "rules"

Annoying because of the way he slurs it and draws it out

He says it the same way teen boys say it, in fact opie himself is a teenage boy. This is both his greatest strength as well as his weakness.

Im on this bandwagon except the overusing words one. i dont get why people call out a guy who talks on a mic for 4 hours a day for overusing words. its like we forgot the function of language was to express meaning and we turned it into a beauty pageant for faggots. who the fuck cares what words he uses?

Would you get mad at a construction foreman for overusing 2x4's?

Would you get mad at a pilot for overusing flight routes?

Would you get mad at batman for overusing the fucking batarang?

I think you see my fucking point, gentleman.

Here's a better question: Why am I still hearing Opie's stupid Android phone?


I can't help but feel if it was anybody else they would be lambasted.. Wtf is wrong with vibrate?

I just listened to today's show and I really didn't think it was that bad.

Anthony looks for any reason to showcase constitutional violations so he can bring it back to the 2nd amendment. It's what the NRA conditions you to do. But it's ok, they're preparing for a class/race war and the eventual police state scheduled for june 2013. He backed off his argument once he said "I'd let them in I have nothing to hide." Follow that with the "I don't know" "why can't people see?" It was weird. I think he realized he didn't have the popular opinion in the room or with the callers and kept making sweeping statements against what happened while padding it with "well i don't know what the answer is."


Do people really believe this? That the NRA is an organization that cares most about the constitutional rights of Americans?


It's really starting to get annoying. He not just filling air time, he's just being a douche. Try listening for Jimmy cutting himself off, that's almost just as annoying.



FFS opie, simmer down.


Because your mom




He's a broadcaster- his job is to talk on air. Thats what he does. A little too much sometimes, but what cha gonna do? ;)

^ yea, what urabusxrw said

without fail...