Opies new crutch word .... Knuckleheads

0  2013-04-22 by opiesucks

whos picking up on it? how does it make you feel?


he'll 'figure it out' soon. just wants to 'get a taste' and see if he can come up with a word or phrase that makes you 'howl'
know what i mean brother man...

he's working on a word that will be 'real niccceeeeeeee...'

Can we PLEASE have a negativity/show complaints megathread once a week? It's not because I hate negativity, it's because these types of threads take up too much disproportional space on this subreddit.


What this has to do with this post? Also, I don't think the word liberal means what you think it means.


he's gotten a couple of things wrong recently but i don't know that i'd say he changed... i think he just got way passionate about stuff and took a viewpoint i disagreed with... today i didn't think he was way off base but last week sometime there was a debate that he was wrong on - but now i can't remember it so apparently it didn't really effect me.

how could you stay angry at lil' jimmy

You don't like the way he always prefaces everything he says with a I could be wrong.

Or just can't have a stance on something? God he argues like an internet debater with this A=A logic on todays show he was trying to talk Ant into a corner, not maliciously but in a I know what is right and I'll guide you there kind of way.

Still love the fat naked mole rat though.


whoa whoa, he isnt a liberal because before every opposite view he states, he goes "i agree" and then makes a statement about how he in fact doesn't agree.


I don't mind hearing thoughts no matter how inane from the lone highschool graduate.