Louis C.K. and Patrice O'Neal Streaming/Download Archive

56  2013-04-21 by stevenknight


Hello! I've made this handy Louis C.K. and Patrice O'Neal download and streaming archive on my website for you to use. All 145 Patrice shows, and all 46 Louis C.K. shows. The Essential collection is now working, 62 shows.

Have fun!

EDIT: Sorry, beyond my control. In short, to Sirius XM I say... http://youtu.be/PU8KCBZtpEk

Yes, please upload the essential collection again sometime. I've been meaning to download all the milestone shows I can before it's too late.


I would kiss you on the mouth if I saw you sir, i've been looking for the Jim Jefferies clips every since the youtube nazi's took them down.

Worth noting: this jolly polite young fella from merry old england also was the person who took the time to convert every single one of the videos to mp3s originally.

That's me, hi again omgwtfitssteve!

Just a couple'a Steves. YESSSSSS

How did your parents die?

You're in MY fucking house!

awesome thanks

OMG is Steve's last name Knight?

thanks for the archive.....

Haha, I'm a different Steven! But yes, that's this Steven's last name. (Me).


Awesome dude. If you can add Bill Burr at some point, Id totally suck your dick.

I second this.

Patrice lives on sir, you are the shit.

Awesome. you might want to change your background, though. It's kind of hard to read the text with the big yellow Opie and Anthony background.

Ah yes, sorry, it looks fine on my screen but forgot to think about smaller widths.

I'll make it so the logo disappears when it goes underneath the links. Thanks!

Edit: I've made it so the logo doesn't scroll down with the page, and the background changes size for smaller screens. That'll solve your issue.

Wow. Very cool. Do you by any chance have Colin too?

I have some Colin, by which I mean 6 shows.

One of you fuckers out there has the CQ files, now cough 'em up you cheeky bastards, chop-chop.


I have Colin. Settle down, folks.

Well, let him go, then!

Thanks a lot, some is better than none. Don't think I've heard any of these Colin ones yet. Pretty stoked.


LATEST UPDATE: Sorry, beyond my control. In short, to Sirius XM I say... http://youtu.be/PU8KCBZtpEk

Any chance to see these in a torrent?

This is GREAT. Thank you sir.

Give it two hours then refresh your page.

Aww man, you are the best.

Okay, all Essential links are now working.

Not working again, sorry, not trying to give you a hard time, only have about half of these and would love to have the rest, thanks for the work!

The whole site is down, obviously the Sirius XM lawyers got to him.

It's a shame, because the Louie and Patrice shows got me through some tough shit when I first heard them. Everyone should be able to hear the utter hilarity from those 700+ hours of brilliant radio. Especially seeing as one of the main guys isn't around anymore so he can't make any new appearances. Oh well, I tried.

I remember even Opie being pissed about the Patrice stuff being taken off Youtube for that very same reason.

Again, thank you for trying. I got a good laugh at a few before the site went down.

Scumbags. Thanks for letting me know though, I had high hopes there for a minute.

Thanks for effort man. Maybe you can post recording dates?

I don't know the dates, BUT if you do a Ctrl+F for "patrice" in this show database from 2004-2008 you can find the dates yourself: http://pastebin.com/ihugQ32r

For shows after 2008, I'd do a search on one of the OA rundown sites.

Sweet. Thanks!

I remember even Opie being pissed about the Patrice stuff being taken off Youtube for that very same reason.

Again, thank you for trying. I got a good laugh at a few before the site went down.