Opie & Anthony: Live Coverage of the Boston Manhunt (04/19/13)

34  2013-04-19 by stevenknight


I'm really sorry OP, on behalf of the douches on this subreddit who downvote.

Haha it's okay. I think I should great a new post and just update that daily with my daily uploads instead of cluttering with separate links.

It happens in every part of reddit, there are always cunts. You could post a picture of your cute lil pet or make a post about how you're recovering from cancer and you'll get downvoted by at least one ass

And somehow it's the worst people on the site that browse the new section of each board.

It was so funny listening in hindsight to Anthony's "shoot to kill" order on the wrong kid.

lol when i heard that I was like ohhhh ohh no lol

What douches would down vote you posting YouTube videos. The two interviews you posted really quick helped me big time when my sirius app decided to suck cock. Much appreciated man.

Classic show today for sure

Listening to replay now. Being from Boston, Anthony's masshole impressions are hilarious. "no public transportation? HOW AM I GOONA GET TO THA FAHKEN LICKAA STOWA?!"

I'd love for someone to put together all the clips from the show where they're doing the Boston accent. That had me laughing my balls off.

I'd do it but I have no clue how to do something like that.