Anyone have a link to Nicole's bikini pic and the one of her hot friend?

18  2013-04-19 by TheToolMan



Oh shitrocks.

Here's another of the hot friend

Damn. Well I think they said there was one of her in a bikini too.

Nicole, eh. Her friend is smoking hot though.

I would bang Nicole in a heartbeat haha. I'm just saying, after hearing them talk about her, when I saw her face mainly, not her body, she isn't like smoking hot.


The fact that Nicole would most definitely like to eat that girls box makes me happy.

Don't believe everything you hear from attention seeking girls on the radio.

That hot friend is married to Rich from the mashup and Covino and Rich

Thats one hot nuss.

You'd hit it doggie steez and jazz all over her?

You know it, dudebro!

He must've bagged her using his sweet dudebro lingo.


They talked about it on Fridays show.

Ah yes I just heard that now

I would bang Nicole in a heartbeat haha. I'm just saying, after hearing them talk about her, when I saw her face mainly, not her body, she isn't like smoking hot.