This Tom Sizemore interview......

21  2013-04-18 by Colbus1984

This Tom Sizemore interview is extremely uncomfortable am I the only one feeling

edit:Jimmy is gonna snap


He was just terrible.

T..thats terrible I'm sorry

I was expecting Jimmy to snap at some point. The point where Tom unnecessarily corrected Jim on the jail thing was lame. Bet you could of cut the tension in that room with a butter knife. I'm glad Jimmy, when asked by Tom, admitted he was slightly bothered.

Jimmy didnt even ask him to sign his picture that he took with him.

Jesus fuckin' christ. This is big.

Prison not Jail, pretentious douche.

Or "I didn't plan to relapse. I planned to get high."

Same thing, ass.

Yup, I knew there was another one but I couldn't think of it, glad Yimmy let him know he was irritated.




He did the SAME thing on the Stern show yesterday. Howard would ask a question about something in his book (like Norton was doing), and get confrontational about the question (or contradict what was in the book). That's why he compared Jimmy to Howard.

I hated it, because you could tell Jimmy was excited and asking excellent questions.

Forget that. Let's talk about Kobe Bryant for a minute...

how fucked up was that?!?!

Who are you -- Howard? Let me finish, will ya?

He seems too defensive to be sober.

I was thinking that too. Kept saying he was tired - then at one point said he used to tell people he was tired when he was really fucked up. Probably coincidence, but in any case he was a giant ass-head.

and don't forget he mumbled half his words and had the personality of a child overdosing on ritalin. Seems like he was coming down from whatever he was on the night before.


wow. from the second he gets on the mic he's an uptight prick. O&A mentioned how some guys just don't do radio when they were talking to Kevin Smith. Tom Sizemore should be one of those guys.


I think he felt like a dick at the end when he found out Jimmy actually read the book.


haha thank God for the abridged version, you lost me at 'thought.'

What was it he said at the end of the interview? Something about dogshit and Jimmy said he would tweet it later?

I don't know what was more cringeworthy, watching that or listening to the interview.

They got the title right.

I listened to it twice and couldn't make it out either.

It started with Jimmy talking about the book, clearly wrapping things up.

Tom (interrupting): I'm sorry... a-are you going to do the "next" fake dogshit with me?

Jimmy: I might, yeah. It just depends on the schedule. If I can I will, yeah. I'll tweet that out as well. Uhm... coming up, we've got Ricky Gervais coming in.

Opie: Yeah, he's right outside the studio. Do you know Ricky Gervais?

Tom (hesitant): Uhm... is he a singer?

Jimmy: No, he's a great comic actor. He's genius.

Tom got all defensive again about Jimmy wrapping things up, thinking he was making up an excuse to move on to the "next" thing, which Tom thought was "dogshit".

Ah cool, thanks. I didn't get the dogshit part.

When I listened to the interview today I was half asleep and in bed so maybe I am wrong, and need to go back and listen to the interview again, but to me it sounded like Tom was on something. Anyone else get that vibe?

What happened?

just cutting jimmy off with every question jimmy asked then compared jimmy to Howard......

i hope they pan this zilch

It was so awkward, if you missed it:

I am listening to this right now, after seeing this post and goddamn it was worse than I expected. Tom Sizemore is a DOUCHE! can you imagine him all fucked up how much more douchey he was? FUckkkkkk that guy

It really wasn't that bad. Sizemore is a bitch of douche though. He sounded so uninterested despite he was talking about his book

They should have played his orgasm clip in the background

according to Jim's twitter, Tom sent him a message and apologized...its all good. That guy seemed out of it, at one point he was struggling to find the word 'encouraged'. It's to bad, he used to be one of my favorite actors. I liked his out of know where rant on why Kobe was the best athlete of a generation.

Your grammar is depressing.

So is your love of the WWE. Fuck off troll.

Wrestling rules, cock sucka

You looked through my history because I commented on your grammar? Holy shit you're a pathetic excuse for a human. I'm not a troll just 'know where' really? I mean, I understand if you're a third grader, but I assume that you aren't.

people who correct someone on grammar is so hack, leik dam iz dat all u hav to contribute?

I know, but it really bothered me this time.

Haha great comeback. You can do better than that. You're the 'grymreaper'.

"More like the grammareaper or sumpthin tsss. I dunno, just riffin"

Fuckin homerun

Double run on, cock sucka.

Can we be friends again? I'll apologize for calling you a troll if you apologize for calling my (admittedly enraging) grammar pathetic.

So magnangnemous. I'm getting all pissy-eyed over here.

(spit) Jeeesus Christ (spit) Sunuvaaaaabitch.

Let's just agree to disagree. ;)


Who says the internet has to be full of douchebags?

I'd prefer we apologize. I'm sorry for calling you a troll. I'll leave it up to you would like to reciprocate. It reflects poorly on you if you don't btw ;)

Asking for an apology is even lower than going through my post history. Sorry, man.

Edited: going not good

howard interview was sort of similar though, howard just handled it different

What a bunch of babies. Tom has a corrosive personality and Jimmy comes off like such a fanboy.

Jimmy didnt even ask him to sign his picture that he took with him.

Jesus fuckin' christ. This is big.

Double run on, cock sucka.

Can we be friends again? I'll apologize for calling you a troll if you apologize for calling my (admittedly enraging) grammar pathetic.

Who says the internet has to be full of douchebags?