Anyone else's iPhone app feed quit 20 minutes ago?

9  2013-04-18 by drunk8gods

My feed shit the bed about 20 minutes ago on my iPhone app (about 9am EDT) . After 10 minutes of trying to reconnect, it started playing again and cuts out at the same spot.

It's been working sort of ok since the update came out recently. My only complaint was whenever I fast forward through commercials during the first break, it always rewinds to the beginning of the show.

This app and this company are complete garbage. I'm on the phone with them looking to cancel. I'd rather listen to my iTunes collection and wait for GAY to update rather than listen live anymore.

edit: added actual time it quit on me.


Yes it did. It kept pausing and then it would go back to opie talking about twitter. there was then no getting past sizemore comparing himself to bo jackson

although now it let me go live to right when gervais got on air. however as i typed the previous sentence it stopped playing once again.

Oh wow, I thought it was just my connection. I absolutely had a problem at the exact same spot with Tom Sizemore AND now that I'm rewinding back 5 hours to the Ricky Gervais spot, it's doing it there too, right when Opie's talking about blowing him off last time to pick up his kid.

Bet their Twitter feeds were blowing up with "online's down!"

I had the same problems on android. It seems to be back working now.

I agree this company sucks, the app keeps quiting on me also, so I've been listening to a online feed that's not so quite "legal", I'm ready to cut the cord,I only really listen to the boys channel anyways so I'm thinking about dumping this company.

Can you pm me that link?

Shoutcast works for me ,

I was really depressed when I heard that they were signing with Sirius again.

They'd probably have the #1 podcast right now if they were willing to put some work in.

Can't blame them though, they're gentlemen of advanced years, most people don't have any ambition left in their mid-fifties, especially millionaires.

although now it let me go live to right when gervais got on air. however as i typed the previous sentence it stopped playing once again.

Oh wow, I thought it was just my connection. I absolutely had a problem at the exact same spot with Tom Sizemore AND now that I'm rewinding back 5 hours to the Ricky Gervais spot, it's doing it there too, right when Opie's talking about blowing him off last time to pick up his kid.

Bet their Twitter feeds were blowing up with "online's down!"