Scortch's PFGTV: Twitter user posts a picture from the audience of 7.

72  2013-04-16 by glueleg


Bring back weird news theme song. Weird nooose!

I totally get why the boys and colin quinn LOVE scorch. I start howling (literally not opietavely) when the scorch bits start. Little scorch is great too.

Louis CK said it best, it would be great to give scorch the tonight show for one day and be like "there you go! and if you can't make it work, then quit the business".

the band is included as the audience.

This is just sad

Heh, my buddy is the cameraman.

What's his take on the millions of viewers?

Really? I would love to hear any Scorch stories.

Is said buddy on reddit? Pull him in here! Let's hear some more details about these PFGTV recordings! :D

He's not on Reddit, but if he were I bet he wouldn't have anything bad to say. He's a fiercely loyal guy that's loving working in the production industry. Just thought it was hilarious to see him on reddit.

Scorch is so deluded it actually makes me sad.

I fucking love hearing the PFGTV bits. Scorch is great on so many levels.

You guys this is just the ultra restricted access live audience. There are millions watching worldwide on the tv!

how can this show be this long???

They ever mention how he pays for the equipment and workers?

He scams people.

I thought that was pretty well established.

are u allowed to say ure on fox when u buy time?

Scorch reminds me of Ricky Gervais' character from The Office. He has delusions of his own popularity, wit, and relationships with others. His show is so cringe-inducing I wonder why anyone shows up. And yes, it is hilarious to watch this fool lie to himself.

really there is so much about this that bums me out

This makes me teeth hurt

Damn, for so little people, they sure give a hell of a round of applause.

I take it that one guy runs between the cameras?

Holy fuck! This is golden. It really is the studio..

check out the episodes!

If I lived in a place where that aired, I'd totally watch it though.

its on at 2:30am Sat on channel 6 where i live

best paid programming of all time


ps. scorch's set looks like the black lodge from Twin Peaks

Where does he film? I figured it was still Manchester, and it sounds like Scorch is still DJ-ing up there, but didn't Steve Sweeney reference a "warehouse in Framingham"?

It's not a huge distance, but there must be closer places where Scorch can tape at. That's a difference of 70-ish miles.

7 more audience members than you have, amiright?

:( XD :( XD

that, plus bobo fan, and an srs tag to boot. if only i had more downvotes...

I don't have an SRS tag, what the fuck are you talking about? I'm no fan of their's.

You've been tagged by the bot, sucks to be you. Have you posted anywhere inside the fempire before?

Of course. Gotta defend womyn against shitlords somehow.