anyone else get the chills when Opie reads his twitter responses like "yeaa, i got him good with this one"?

0  2013-04-15 by opiesucks

"and then i said..." yeeeeeesh. its like he's expecting the reaction black people do during a freestyle battle. MY POINT IS... he has this attitude like he can shit on anyone at any point in time, because he's just that brilliant. He gets that way when Vos and Derosa are in. I (obviously) question his self given sense of brilliance. Anyone agree?


Yes similar chills run down my spine when I read your posts.


Psst...your jealousy is showing

Opie's twitter is probably the main thing that gives you any legitimacy in my eyes, u/opiesucks. It's pretty cringey.

God I hope you're a troll account

I don't see twitter as a strength for any of the three.


This is what I always think of. Sorry for the crap quality

OP is a fag