Louis CK Special

0  2013-04-14 by [deleted]

Anyone else get annoyed with the 360 crowd and how it was filmed? personally i thought the camera was dizzying and hated it. i actually turned it off because the camera was more distracting than his jokes. I guess I'll have to find an mp3 version and just listen to that audio. honestly i'm disappointed. i was looking forward to this one.


Jesus christ all you people do is complain, shut up.

Nah not really. I didn't say Louie sucked, or his special sucked, or that he was a talentless loser. I said nothing like that. I DID say the way the special was filmed took away from me being able to enjoy the content because I got dizzy. No one was complaining really. Just pointing out that it annoyed me because I WANTED to enjoy the special, but will just listen to it in audio format. No big deal.

So what I am really trying to say is kick rocks faggot. Most of us are hardcore Louie fans, but that doesn't mean we have to like everything the guy does, and just because he filmed his special a certain way doesn't change my support for him. What's wrong with discussing a special you just watched? I'd be interested in knowing...


Sacrilege! (around here)

Way it was filmed didn't bother me. I don't know why but the mic cord going between his legs rather than off to the side was a bit annoying. Thought too much of the material in the first half hour was repetitive of what he's already done (e.g., being human is great vs. being white is great). Other than that it was bloody hilarious.


I was really disappointed by this one. Usually CK makes me think, 'how did he come up with that'. This time the jokes seemed very contrived, like the one about if animals and humans were equal on the food chain...nothing new there and it wasn't really funny.

Wasn't a total bomb or anything, but it was by far my least favorite Louie special. Maybe I need to watch it again or something.

Great special, but certainly a bit toned down compared to what I'm used to with him. Second half was good, first half was blah.

I liked it the camera didnt bother me at all just the stupid mic cord. The special was great as always it started off slow but by the end i was laughing really hard. I just hope louie gets on oanda more he only does promotion recently.

I loved it.

Loved it. Much better than Beacon. Loved the round, it was like Carlin's best special.

If I was him I would've shot it on videotape like that special, too. But I liked the darker lighting on the audience with blue and red highlights, and his blue shirt.

I agree, it was great. Visually one of the nicest specials I've seen in a while. Whatever camera he filmed it on gave it a nice feel like you were in a small comedy club. A little smokey.
