Opie's kid sounds like an asshole

2  2013-04-10 by [deleted]

I know no one cares, but Hudson sounds like he's gonna be a spoiled little asshole when he gets older because opie lets him get away with punching him in the fucking throat.


All kids that age are assholes.


Not to mention fucking Easter presents. All I got on Easter was some plastic eggs with candy in them and I was happy. I actually enjoy Opie's kid stories now because I like picturing ten years into the future when broken-down 60-year-old Opie doesn't have the energy to even put up a fight anymore. Although now that I think about it not doing a morning radio show anymore might give him a second wind.

My comments stink, I always do a 180 in the middle and end up saying nothing of substance.

He's growing up in a penthouse in Manhattan, of course he's going to be a spoiled little jerk.


Enough about Opie's fucking kid(s).


This whole thread is stupid. We hear maybe 5% of how he raises his kid. We have no right to judge, nor have opinions.

Well, people have the right to judge and have opinions. It's up to them if they want to sound like assholes. Makes it easer to spot them from further away.

Said by someone who doesn't have kids. Sure.

I think that's a weak response. Just because someone doesn't have kids doesn't mean they can't have an opinion.

I never said he couldn't have an opinion. I'm just saying it's a dumb one based on little to no evidence.



So, based on some information that you heard which may (or may not be) correct, and based on your observations of your friends which (I think I can safely guess is but a small percentage of the young tyke's life) you know enough to make a judgment about someone else's kid. Is this not a fair statement?


So, to sum up, you think that what he says on the radio is a 100% accurate portrayal of 100% of his life.

I never claimed that you didn't have the "ability to judge", everyone has that ability. It does not require any skill or wisdom to judge.

Sorry if I get touchy when people make judgments about how someone else treat their kids... one has a tendency to call out bullshit when they themselves were randomly accused by a stranger of abusing their child in public. For the terrible crime of saying "No" in a stern voice and stepping on a dirty q-tip that their kid was about to pick up.


No, I use that personal experience as a reason to make sure I call people out on bullshit like this. Also, I used it to illustrate that I'm not White Knighting the show, but just pointing out the stupidity that helped to form your judgment.

So, to sum it up, you think that you A: know what it's like to raise a kid based on the small percentages of interactions, and not the 24/7 experience of being a parent, and B: believe that the radio show is 100% truthful portrayal of ever moment of Opie's life.

Good luck with that.


like father like son

Yea well, Opie won't be around when his shitty kid turns 13, see, cause Opie is an old fuck. Gotta spoil him while he's alive. Downside to having a kid when you're 59 or some shit.