Who is your least favorite returning, or "regular" guest on the show?

10  2013-04-09 by fullpowerattack

DeRosa has spent half of his last few appearances on the show being overly sensitive when he gets smashed by anyone for any reason (which kind of makes him look like a pussy in my eyes), and the other half he's pushing that terribly unfunny web series he put everyone in.

What about all of you?


I know I'm really going out on a limb here but Tom Papa.

Today was torture. He laughs over everything and his jokes aren't funny.

I was gonna say the same thing, but I don't know why I don't like Tom Papa on the show.

In my opinion, he's just a bit of a bore. I've never seen his stand up but whenever the guys are riffing in the studio he's always got that sort of obvious take on whatever they're talking about

And he repeats shit over and over again. A while ago Morgan Freeman or Shawshank or something was brought up just once and for the rest of the show he was shoehorning his shitty impression in wherever possible.

Papa brings up his awful Freeman impression every time he's on air now. He honestly thinks it's his benchmark bit, that listeners around the globe are turning up their radios eagerly awaiting his "I'm Morgan Freeman" line. He slipped it in at least once on Tuesday.

I remember that. Soo awkward.

I've always assumed they brought him on because he's friends with Seinfeld.

Well it's no coincidence this thread appeared the same day papa was on.

So true, his laugh and jokes are horrendous... Absolute worst. Seemed like Yimmy checked out once Papa wouldn't shut up, too. I loved his little Edgar thing when he called out TP.

This is why I bothered to ask the question. It wasn't until I started to list my 2-way tie with Papa and DeRosa that I realized that DeRosa had more knocks in the minus column.

Oh jesus yes. Why the fuck is Tom Papa a regular hes never said anything funny. Hes mediocre funny, riding on the strength of his name. Fuck Tom Papa.


I don't hate Papa, and think he's definitely a funny guy. But on the show he wont disagree with anyone, which makes him end up bringing nothing to the table. It's like he feels like too much of an outsider to go against the grain at all. So I'll like him on 10 minute clips on YouTube because he does through funny lines out, but not so much for extended periods on a whole show.

Yes that's what I've been trying to think of. He never argues for anything or with anyone. He doesn't bother me but I don't know why they think he's necessary when someone is out.

I don't get the Derosa backlash, love the guy, can't get enough of him.

I love his anger

He always delivers, and his honesty is great. Not afraid of a smashing in the least, the mark of a great guest!

anytime bill and him are in a room together its gold, wish they never stopped doing uniformed, or joe on YKWD, joe is a good addition to a funny conversation because he can only relate to movie scenes

I love his movie breaks.

DeRosa is fucking great. I dont know how anyone could put him on the same level of douchiness as Papa. Hes always funny and open and everything that Tom Papa isnt.

Pat Cooper. I wish that old crooner would just kick the bucket already. Tom Papa is pretty horrendous too.

Why don't you like Pat Cooper? I've only heard him a couple times but I thought he was great. The angry old prick.

I just find him exhausting. It's the same presentation every time he comes on - over the top, bombastic, doesn't let anyone get a word in. The boys just have to sit and laugh and pretend its entertaining but it's just a drain.

He really is exhausting, but I like him.. I respect him because of his appearances with Patrice, and he is genuinely funny by 1960 standards, but everything else sounds like he was running out of air. I'm mostly impressed that he has the strength to get through the show.

Papa was awful on today's show. Zzzzzzz.......

I despise Jay Mohr. I have no idea what people see in him. All he does is make obscure movie references and babble about nonsense.

I used to dislike Jay until about a year ago. Now I can't get enough of the guy. I don't care if it's a "do the bit" type of thing, his Norm and Colin impressions slay me every time and he can actually improv as those guys. It's brilliant.

His Harvey Keitel impression - Who does that? Nobody. And there's a reason. Otherwise, I love Jay. But some of his impressions have become some "do the bit!" schlock.

He is a douche but his colin impression saves him.


All he does is make obscure movie references and babble about nonsense.

You talking about Jay or Anthony?

Hey now.

I generally hate when they have a wrestler come in. . . Except for Fandango! I don't watch wrestling but I laughed my ass off at Jimmy and the Fandango appearance.

Any one that tries to dominate the conversation. Dice, Bruer, Cooper all fit the bill. They don't have conversations. They just talk.

I 100% disagree with you about Bruer. Guy is 1000x more entertaining than Dice and Cooper, and his stories are epic

Pizza Man, and 4th of July are two that I can always listen to.

Don't forget the Sears Bomb Threat.

His last podcast was literally a 30 minute rant about man caves, was great.

I think you're mistaking him for Jim Florentine...

You are right, I confuse their names constantly


Papa is cool when he doesn't try too hard. When he starts doing random shitty impressions and overly laughing he's awful.

His impressions do stink.

His Carson today was particularly awful.

I definitely get what you're saying. They're small-dose comics, I think. If I'm in the mood to hear Brueur, he's the best. Otherwise it's tough.

WHAAAAT dice and bruer are just natural centers of attention. when the spotlights on them they deliver. How can you not like Andrew or Jim??

IMO, the show works best when there isn't a center of attention. when they bring in guys like bruer, dice, and cooper, the normal interplay between everyone in studio goes away and you have 3 hosts just listening to a guest ramble incessantly.

I guess Dice is my least favorite. I don't hate him or anything, but I wouldn't be sad if he was never on again. Ant's impression is still awesome, though.

Anthony's impression of dice is just enough dice for me.


Did you hear the last Dice appearance on Rogan? When he's on O&A, he's still kind of in character which is amusing on stage, but tiring after 5 minutes. On JRE, it was as if he was a totally different person. Or, rather, an actual person, and not a cartoon character.

I'll have to check that out. I actually don't mind Dice, but out of all the regulars he's just my least favorite.

I mostly just hate the way it becomes the "Dice and friends show". Like that time he was on with Stanhope. Stanhope was having a great appearance, then Dice came in with like 20 people, and Stanhope barely got to say anything after that.

His appearance last summer for Jimmy's birthday was fucking great, though.

Amy Schumer. I know this is probably blasphemy but I really don't think she is funny or an interesting enough guest.

I hate her. She seems like she's always doing a character

I think she's boring too. If she were forced to not talk about sex during an appereance on the show she would have nothing to say.


Her standup isn't good. Her cadence makes it seem like she's waiting for something after everything she says. I'd still put it in her shitter, though, not as good as dolph ziggler.

Can't stand her, agree 100%.


fuck her and her shitty lack of inflection in her voice. She's awful, and always gets courtesy laughs from the guys in studio if a joke comes out flat. Any other male comedian would get shit on but for some reason she gets a pass

Tom Papa seems like the nicest guy in the world, but I don't feel that he brings a whole lot to the table. Frankly I'm jaded because nobody will ever live up to Patrice. We were utterly spoiled.

DeRosa and Tom Papa are terrible

DeRosa stinks. Tom Papa seems somewhat likable but he spends too much time trying to be Opie's best friend. I hate it when Sam is running the computer and talks on mic WAY too much. I feel like the Little Scorch bit is done so well by Sam because he spends every show being The Little Opster. Put Travis on the computer and 4th mic and be done with it.

I like DeRosa but for some reason he has become the 'feelings' guy all of the sudden. It is confusing.

Derosa and pat cooper will get me to shut it off every time. Vos is getting there.

I don't mind Vos, I just hate how defensive he gets every time they bash him on his stupidity. "Arw well, I has a 139 IQ and I KILL every times I on the stage" Do you? Just shut your drooler and take a pounding like a man, like the rest of the great guests do.

Why is Bobby Kelly such a great appearance? Not only is he funny, but he'll laugh at any wisecracks about his weight/appearance/bombings/weak stomach harder than anyone, because he knows it's good for the show. You can learn something from the DUDE Vos.

He hasn't been on in a while, but VIC FUCKING HENLEY. He is like Tom Papa with a Southern drawl. He's a bore, his jokes fall flat, and he always repeats them until everyone listening is annoyed.

yea seems like a nice enough guy but boy does he make me cringe. there's a jocktober where he just talks all over the fun and i can't enjoy the bashing properly


I can't stand when Opie feels compelled to mention he's a fucking father every five minutes. WE GET IT. I don't care about your kid, or where you took him, or what he did yesterday. That shit is almost as hatable as Sam.

I guess Opie is definitely a regular by now...

I'm going to get killed for this but I don't like Louis CK on the show. I like his tv show and his standup, but he's just not funny on the show, his appearances feel a lot more like a standard celebrity interview then a comedian dropping by and adding to the show. Also they agree with everything he says, it feels like Louis CK rants or tells uninteresting stories and everyone else just agrees with ever word that comes out of his mouth

I can't stand Breuer. His stories just make him sound like such an "EXTREEEEME" guy. I think the worst guest they have is hands down Pat Cooper though. I can't sit through an entire appearance by him.

I can't believe there's a guy who doesn't like Breuer or Pat Cooper.

i like funny. loud ≠ funny.

He is a good story teller though, but I agree, I can't stand the guy.

I can only tolerate him in small doses.

I find Brewer incredibly annoying. I turn it off when he's on.

Vos. I can't fucking stand his blubber mouth. And my IQ is 139! Go fuck yourself.


We were all expecting this.

Also this

i didnt want to disappoint.

You didn't disappoint me, opiesucks.


Okay, I actually laughed at this.

I like DeRosa but for some reason he has become the 'feelings' guy all of the sudden. It is confusing.

Why don't you like Pat Cooper? I've only heard him a couple times but I thought he was great. The angry old prick.