No Howard this week, listeners flocking to O&A. X-post from /r/HowardStern.

15  2013-04-08 by KrobertG


They're shit talking Ronnie B. I don't like that.

Agreed. Who the fuck are those assholes to shit on Ronnie B?

No reason to be bringing up somebody's name like that. I hope everybody but Ronnie B shits on those guys. Ronnie B won't stoop to their level.

It's like that one saying there, where some guy was trying to show some pigs some jewelry. The whole thing didn't work out.


Whatta dey, a bunch a seagulls or sumpthin? Tsst tsst.

Tsss... good one..

I don't exactly see any flocking going on haha

Can 3 people make a flock?

Haha my comment, I like how it's the top comment now.

god i feel bad for those saps, howard really has them by the balls

howard barley works and he has a visual element/everything he wants, they wont give OnA a visual element cause they know it would be huge, whats even to watch anymore on howard tv? staring at howard for hours?

i would kill for OnA on demand

There's no way Howard TV has more than 50,000 subscribers. I had it for a little while last year and could not justify the 10 bucks a month. Nothing on there that I can't watch on youtube for free.

you have to pay for Howie TV? ha ha ha. I always thought it was free. (coming from a guy without TV for a decade).

Yea dude. It's like 15 bucks a month. Unbelievable.