Opie and Jimmy Vs Anthony and Jimmy

5  2013-04-07 by gumby510

Thursday show vs Fridays show Which do you prefer? Of course I'm going with Jim and Anthony. They seem to bounce off each other better. Don't get me wrong I love opie cause he seems to keep the show moving forward like a radio guy, but I like it when opie is out rather than ant. E rocks a dinosaur marching why do you think he's fat?


Ant and Jimmy by far. I could listen to them throw bombs at each other all morning.

I thought Travis did a great job on the Opie and Jimmy show. Wish he were on more. Smart guy.

I was thinking about the thread you posted as I was catching up listening to Thursday and Friday's shows.

Up to the interview break I would say both are equally entertaining but once you hit the big interview you see the major difference between the two. When Anthony has a guest that's not too "entertaining" (not to say any of the guest on the Thursday show were) he would always use his insane knowledge of 'everything' and pull some inside knowledge question about the industry their in (e.g. the "Legend of Nigger Charley" question with Tarantino interview, again Tarantino was an amazing guest but kudos to Anthony for bringing it up). When a not too "entertaining" guest comes up with an Opie and Jim show what does Opie do? Blow up the spot and just be a complete dick to the guest, and that's why I've been a team Anthony guy for as long as I listened to the show.

If you want to get a perfect example of what I'm talking about search out Bill Burr's first appearance on this show. Opie sounds like the biggest piece of dick-cheese on it.



Even as Bill Burr is killing it he can't give more than 3 cents of a credit to a genius comedian who will actually help elevate the show along with other comics.

Honestly I haven't listened to the other "friends of the shows" first appearances but I'm sure you'll hear Opie trying to blow up their spots as he assumes their just 'one and done's' and that the only way to get entertainment out of somebody other than Anthony is to blow up the fucking spot.

So in conclusion, fuck Opie. opiesucks, take the rest.

**EDIT: Accidentally not enough words.

I'm a few days late on the reply to this one, but for a long time I preferred the Ant+Jim combination if forced to choose. A few Friday's ago though Jimmy was out, and O+A+Sam was fucking great and it was a nice changed to not have Jim in that time.

So the answer is, I like all combinations in doses. I'm starting to like Opie more these days too. I went phases with him, when I first started listening (only 2-3 years ago) I didn't care either way, then I hated him for about a year, and recently I'm starting to appreciate what he does for the show. Except when he brings in the callers, still don't like that much.

TSS they should have me and Ant, we would fucking kill.

I would bring bug spray and kill ant or some'n, fucking double guns bitch cocksucker...

Ant and Jim obv. anyone with ears and a slight sense of humor would agree. its just 2 friends trying to make jokes and shit on each other. how come Jim and Ant dont make fun of Opie like Jim (and trying Opie) do to Ant?