Another great appearance by Louis CK..

21  2013-04-03 by alexgough12

Wow, that was great. I'm glad they ran almost an extra hour. Something I've heard through various interviews with Louie is that he is loyal to the people he's worked with. People that work on his show now worked with him on short films 20 years ago. So I think Louie will always be back on O&A. He did put them in his show which is an example of loyalty. Yes he did Howard also, what do you expect being the biggest comic in the business. Anyways, always hilarious when he is in. The bit when he was ripping on Sirius xm was the best today.

Does anyone know where to find the Louis Ck Jet Ski story?


I like that the boys don't make you pick a side. Unlike Howard.


wait opie and anthony stayed on late because they waiting for louis ck to finish with stern?


ouch that hurts. cool they would stick around but beggers cant be choosers i guess

Hey, it's Colin's (sponsored) favorite dining experience!

That looks like an Arrested Development dvd

Sorry, but this is a terrible fucking poster.

This trendy minimalism design shit is ruining everything.

What do you care? Is it ruining your life?

I care because I love design and do graphic design for a living.

What kind of response is that? That's like saying about jocktober, "O&A, what do you care that 99% of radio is shitty?"

Since when was apathy and not caring about quality and good craftsmanship considered a virtue? "Hey, maaaaaaan, who cares man, just let shit roll off your back, maaaaaaaaaaan, have a "i don't give a fuck" attitude, maaaaaaaaaaaan"

Since you do this for a living, maybe you could give us a few examples of what you'd like instead?

in defense of the minimalist poster, i do think its a reflection of Louis CK in a way. just straight to the point, bare bones comedy, no flashy-ness.

There's a right way and a wrong way to do minimalism.

Also, Shameless didn't have a design style like that. It looked like every other design trend of 2005. The companies that make these types of things are slaves to trends.

The design trend right now is to do minimalism with rudimentary symbolism and exploitation of the most iconic part of something. For Louis it's his head:

But Louis has had great design before that did more than this trendy minimalism:

I should probably format those links but I'm not going to.

I think the white background fits perfectly with the name of the special "Oh My God", did you think about that? That there is a great big unknowable void around Louie? I think it's perfect and great representation of Louie's style and the title of the special. The examples you posted are also product covers, not advertisements. That huge sea of white around Louie stands out far greater than any other colorful advertisement. The only thing I would like better was if they highlighted his orange hair and beard instead of just the HBO lettering.

Well that's your opinion. Louis seems to be a simple guy. Black t-shirt and blue jeans. I'm sorry that you don't like the poster. Your examples are fine but if you really are a designer, you should know you design for the client and not based on what YOU want. I don't really like the style you posted for a comedy show advertisement that people probably see for only a few seconds as they commute. The fact that this bothers you so much has brought a smile to my face for half a second. Thanks. Also, what they do with jocktober is hilarious, like they actually give a fuck what other radio people do? You're just some bitter Internet person ranting about a design trend 'ruining everything'. Enough with the melodrama.


lol I loved his anti-SiriusXM rant

He makes a great point. Why the fuck is there two separate SiriusXM series of channels, especially when you don't know which your going to get when you buy a new car.... O&A podcast 2015! With Visual Element!

Actually, I had to tap out for that one. Love Louie but the cognitive dissonance caused by listening to a guy who just bought a 42-foot long boat complain about the relatively nominal cost of having two different radio units was too much to take.

I dunno. It wasn't so much about the cost, it was more about inconvenience and lack of good service. He also said he took a loan to get that boat. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure he's well-off, but he's not so rich that money doesn't matter.

Shut up, asshole.

I see your point but that makes it more frustrating if a guy like Louis can't get decent service! If they had any sense as a company they would hire him as a consultant. He's pretty smart when it comes to media.

If you hadn't tapped out you would have heard him point out that he could easily ask for a free subscription (which they used to give him) by talking to the staff, but that that isn't the point; 99% of listeners can't.

The Louie CK boat stories and the horrific plane landing story are probably my all time favorite O&A clips.

Louie CK Jet Ski story can be found here in Part 4 of one of my all time favorite shows.

Thanks man

Too bad he's taking a year off with his show. I really enjoyed last season

Louis isn't the biggest comic in the business.

I would argue he I one of the biggest right now. Name 5 others selling out arenas in Europe?

Russel Peters destroys CK number wise.

Never heard of the guy, and I live in Europe...

He's world-wide, not just Europe. He really does smash (ticket-sales-wise) any single continent comic

Agree on that. I think peters relates more easily to the billion people in India than pasty ginger Louis ck. I don't really like Russell peter's bits but I do think he's very funny.

Don't like his bits, but think hes funny... wtf :/

Yeah. He's a funny guy, if you've heard him on the show or off-stage, its great. I just don't like his stand up, particularly his Indian family and parents stuff. I feel the same way about jimmy. In my opinion he's exponentially more funny on the show than his stand up, which is still great may I add.

He's talked shit about Howard before. I wonder how the Howard segment went.


Why would that be his middle name, his parents wouldn't name him that.

Good point, Tuvor.

Hey ya fuckin' retard, I posted this earlier. AND I GOT UPVOTES FOR IT, LOL.

Life sucks.

Hey, we all want to be associated with powerful Jews.

Patrice kept strictly to associating with mid-level Jews.

I don't know why but this reminded me of when Ant described Intern David's intern application. Oh yeah, because he's a Jew that controls the media.