Colin Quinn + Vine = Gold

4  2013-04-03 by [deleted]

We should all start tweeting Colin and see if he is interested in making a Vine account. It would be perfect for him.


I don't see it working.


Colin's humour is too intelligent, even when he's being stupid, to be squeezed into a 6-second clip. A vine is not like a tweet, especially's Colin's. A tweet, which is 140 characters, has more "room" for what Colin does than a vine, which is mostly visual humour.

Even in 140 characters, there is a lot of underlying irony and character and references that make Colin able to squeeze more humour into 140 characters, and do series of tweets. With Vine, there's no way for him to do that because he does it in a literary way, using words. Vine isn't for words.


If he created one I'm sure it would be funny because it would be videos of riding the subway and breaking the yolk on eggs.