Brittney Griner, Baylor Women's Basketball -- briefly talked about 1 Apr

3  2013-04-02 by LUKEWARM_DICK_SAUCE


I can't believe Opie had never heard of her until now. Why does he pretend to be a sports fan?

He's the worst at talking sports. Opie knows literally NOTHING about the most general knowledge of anything pertaining to sports, yet he claims to follow everything so closely.

I get embarrassed for him when a professional athlete comes in and opie makes a reference that is flat out inaccurate or wrong. This happens on a consistent basis.

My one big void on O&A is the complete and utter lack of sports coverage. Travis helps a bit, but it's too far and in-between to guide the guys in the right direction.

Yeah they seem like the type of people who would like sports, it's strange not even 1 of the 3 like it. Yeah the only good sports knowledge is when Travis is on mike but they don't let him talk much. Or when Bill Burr is in and they pretend to know what he's talking about.

Again Travis is the only member of staff who has coherent thoughts on sports.

I didn't realize Joakim Noah went back to college.