How many of you guys archive each and every show?

16  2013-03-31 by cartermnyc

I used to keep many shows on an external drive but stopped due to size constraints. I now have a very large storage array with double redundancy and am trying to amass a large collection.

I know there have been sites that keep a pretty good archive going, I'm just wondering if there's a super fan out there with a MASSIVE collection? I would love to help archive and preserve it if possible.


Here's my humble brag: I've got more than 500GB of audio, including every single show back to 10-4-04 (many of them duped in 64k and 128k). Additionally I've got large chunks from regular radio in the 90s to 2002, as well as miscellaneous stuff like Demented World, isolated bits, etc.

I listen a bit each day, but I'm waaaaay behind. Currently I'm at 10-14-10, but I've heard each show in its entirety since 10-4-04. Whenever the show does go away for good I'll still be listening to "new" stuff for years.

Don't bother trying to catch up, the show definitely isn't what it used to be. I would love a collection of 'worst ofs' I would fucking pay for those all day.

Ok, that is REALLY fucking impressive. That's amazing dedication.

Hey sorry if this is a little obscure, but you wouldn't happen to remember when Ant said his "bouqet of seaweed" line, would you?

I'm not a self-labled superfan, but I do think I get every show reference since I've heard every show, but I'm not so good with timelines.

The "bouquet of seaweed" was Anthony's line when they were listening to "Remembering Laci" tribute song. They listened to the "...Mommy, dese for you!" line over and over after Jimmy goofed on it. Anthony then tagged it with, "What, a bouquet of seaweed?" At least that's my memory of it, and I'm sorry I can't narrow it down better than sometime in 2007-08.

Holy shit, just remembering that song gives me douche chills. For me, the worst part is the creepily whispered "I love you" at the end.

I just listened to that one the other day. I believe it was 12/10/04.

Awesome thanks, any particular archives you'd recommend?


yeah i never worry by the time their off, we'll still have years of shows that will sound new again by the time their off the radio, plus all of the extra shows plus ron and fez

wish i was into radio back when i was younger so i could have been recording, what other radio shows do you have from the 90s-2000s? wish someone had scorch shows

idk why i like to collect radio shows but i feel like the internet isnt permanent who knows what will happen in the next couple years with all this censorship, look at what happened with the youtube videos and the OnA secret sites, once those went down i started downloading as much as i could, i wanna make sure i have these foreever

I have 1 TB just about filled, every show from 1998-2013, some shows and bits before then, many since the 2000s in 128K, no dupes, a lot of miscellaneous bits, all the After O&A & Jim Norton advice shows, Obsessed shows, Opie/Ant/Jim appearances on other radio shows, podcasts, TV, live stand up sets recorded, any O&A related CDs, animations, saved YouTube videos, every assault on the media I'm aware of, Happy Birthday wishes on the news with show references, the Live From The Compound shows, and Fox Red Eye full shows with Ant & Jim on panel/hosting. A lot of unsorted backups from FoundryMusic and FuckJimmy and the old OpieAndAnthony sites. Currently working on saving and sorting old in studio video & pictures.


I have monthly DVDs of OnA and RnF shows dating back to January of 2010.

Would totally "donate" for copies of those

Well I've got every show from 2004 to January. I think I just decided not to do it anymore.

Oh my....


If I could find a good way to record it in decent quality every day, I would love to help as well. If someone has any insight, it would be great. I can upload whatever I record as well. Maybe IPTorrent would work?

im missing a couple chunks but i got most from 99-08 im working on downloading all

if someone has all of ron and fez they should put them on a site or add it to one of the OnA archive sites, i know theres some episodes online but no complete archive

I was gonna make a whole thread about it but I think I'll just ask here, as of 3-31-13 how many shows of O n' A are there?

FYI to those not in the know: You can get every O&A archived show, as well as miscellaneous stuff like Tough Crowd and R&F, from:

And how many go back and even listen to them if you do?

One question....why? It seems a little OCD to me.


Oh my....

I'm not a self-labled superfan, but I do think I get every show reference since I've heard every show, but I'm not so good with timelines.

The "bouquet of seaweed" was Anthony's line when they were listening to "Remembering Laci" tribute song. They listened to the "...Mommy, dese for you!" line over and over after Jimmy goofed on it. Anthony then tagged it with, "What, a bouquet of seaweed?" At least that's my memory of it, and I'm sorry I can't narrow it down better than sometime in 2007-08.

Holy shit, just remembering that song gives me douche chills. For me, the worst part is the creepily whispered "I love you" at the end.

I just listened to that one the other day. I believe it was 12/10/04.

Awesome thanks, any particular archives you'd recommend?