I love Jimmys "Regular Joe" character...

23  2013-03-31 by playaplayadog

I've been following all his classic characters,uncle Paul, chippa etc but i laugh so hard at regular Joe. They're all hilarious but his new one is hilarious. I love how he interrupts and hits us with the averageness of him. Lol


I like him, too, but hey, what do I know? Just give me a cup of coffee and I'm good.

Lol "container" hahaha

Wait, hold on, wait I got one. It's like...what does he eat a lot of fiber or sumptin. Tssssssssssss.

TSS that's fuckin' gold TSS single log

Fuckin' homerun Cumia!

My favorite is Valley Jim, if only because of the reaction everyone instantly gives. The reaction is almost the best part of the character.

Ugh, that character makes me want to gag on a spoon or sumpin..


I love Valley Jim too. I like how everyone in the room hates it, unfortunately that's also why he probably doesn't do it enough. Talk about a Catch 22.

My favorite as well. Would love a valley rant where he just won't stop for a few minutes.

Well, like, how is he supposed to talk, with his butt or something?

Hey, just get me to the job site on time with a container of coffee and im happy,

Team Edgar.

Me too, but what do I know?

i think i do regular joe more than uncle pauls "shurrrre" or anything chip related, its just really fun and if youve worked at a manual labor job before you can totally relate to those regular joe assholes

in MA its all about blue collar construction type jobs, if you dont do manual labor your a "pussy"

like the great bill burr said "people in the northeast dont know about lotion" you ask and all they say is "if your face is dried out it windburned it just mean ya work for a livin"

"Ya fuckin cawksucka, go to Dunkin's and get a fuckin box o' joe ya fuckin qweeyuh." -Mass/New England dick.

Meh nothing beats chippa

Also, has anyone heard him do Regular Joe in a live show? I've been to two in the last year, and the first one he did a few minutes with Chip and Uncle Paul, but the second show he didn't do any characters. I know that he doesn't really focus on the show when doing his standup, but I don't know if he realizes how much of the audience wants him to do it.

Regular Joe represents everything I hate in the world. I mean, even people like Chip can be nice people but just kind of aspergers-y, but 9/10 regular Joes are cunts.

Maybe to you, but I like regular Joes.

I really didn't like the character at first, but now I love it. Just like any of Jimmy's characters, they get stuck in your head and become some of the funniest moments of the show.

I love sprout but he hasn't been doing him lately

It's too bad they don't have a visual element.


I always think about this scene from Twelve Angry Menwhenever he does it.

eh ya know, i just do my job the best I can, put my nose to the grindstone, maybe have a little drink after work when I get home, the usual, eh what do i know.

enjoying the circle jerk here fellas?

I hate Jimmy's characters in-general. They derail the show and make it less funny.

I can't hear you. You're phone is crapping out.

