Ron and Fez 2012 Torrent (Full Year of Shows)

8  2013-03-29 by DeVoidZero

In case anyone is interested, I uploaded a torrent of nearly every single Ron and Fez show that aired in 2012. This beast is over 32 GB in size, so you may need to free some space.

The files are courtesy of ILuvDogShit and his amazing site at

Here's the torrent link:


Grabbing the torrent now, never listened to Ron and Fez, any advice on what show to pick to get a good feel of what they're about?

I'd grab the ones that are marked "Best Of" first. It's honestly not the same show as it was five years ago, Fez has turned into an anxiety-ridden mess who barely talks. Lots of shows end up being about his issues.

The producer Chris Stanley (Pepper Hicks) basically stepped into the role of Ron's sidekick. He's a laid back substance abuser who basically agrees with Ron a lot, but sometimes he can be funny.

has anyone tried connecting to the torrent? I'm seeding, but not uploading to any peers yet.


Would you happen to know what date the centaur bit started? I'd download it just to hear that show.

I'm pretty sure that started in late 2011. Going by the listening threads on it looks like it could be December 14th, 2011.

Hey man, I'll seed for a long long time but the download speeds i'm getting are 0.2 kb/s. What sort of connection/network are you on?

I'm on a cable connection (Cox), my upload bandwidth is 20Mbps, this usually translates to around 700kb/sec max for torrent uploads. I am currently uploading at this speed.

The problem is, I'm only uploading to one peer currently (not you), but there are three connected. This happens sometimes and I'm not really sure why. On a torrent of this size it can be a problem.

If there are a lot of people connected to the torrent, I usually upload to multiple people which would speed things up for everyone. The problem is there's only three people on this one.

All I can suggest is, make sure your BitTorrent ports are forwarded correctly in your router's settings so the connection isn't firewalled. This will affect us being able to "see each other" on the torrent.

All of a sudden we're cruising at 660. Awesome.

Now you're the only one I'm uploading to... Hopefully it lasts.