i have also had a run-in morimoto and would like to link my friends to that audio, could i get a link please?

3  2013-03-27 by forresale




Thank you. Been looking all over for that.

I'd like to know why Opie is eating sushi..... I thought he was a down to earth normal guy. Should have just got a burger at the Irish Pub on Walnut Street.

They sell sushi inside grocery stores now. Its not like its a rare delicacy that's only available to the famous and heads of state. Shut the fuck up.

First of all, any man who eats sushi is a faggot. Everyone knows that. Second, Opie better start saving his money. The 25 year old trophy wife will get most of his money in inevitable divorce. Because anyone 20 years younger than their spouse is only after their wallet.

Those days are long over. He doesn't even pick out his TVs anymore because it's too much of a hassle. Hopefully he doesn't go full-out Stern and lose all touch. But I think he is about $500 million shy of that mark.

Edit: and sushi isn't exactly the "food of kings". They have it on all you can eat buffet lines.

If I was making Opie & Anthonys money I'd be the same way. Having people do shit for you isn't losing touch its called success.

Don't get me wrong, I totally fucking get it. Believe me, I've been trying to get a signature credit card for years, just to get the free concierge service. I want to ask them where I can locally buy 5 gallons of liquid cheese.

And other life altering questions--all day. So yeah, I get it.