NY Post destroys the life of a fellow friend and O&A fan

0  2013-03-24 by RyanThaDude


I'm of two minds about this one.

The first one is, why are most O&A fans such pieces of garbage? Fuck this racist unfunny white trash.

The second one is... this guy's an EMT. So pic related applies. Has he done anything illegal? Has he harmed anyone with his garbage Twitter feed?

To answer your first question, I'm very much of the belief that there are a lot of fans out there who don't get the humour of the show at all. There's a lot of nuance to the show's comedy which people often don't pick up on when they first listen. That's why you get a lot of "OMG, these guys are so vulgar, what kind of pigs listen to them? So grody." reactions, and conversely, a lot of "Hurr, these guys make funna retards an' faggits, thas my kinda show."

The second group make up the garbage demographic.

I'm an EMT. I drive the ambulance and clean up after the medic. That guy is full of shit.

My job is to take a set of vitals, and assist the medic. We don't scrape people off the ground. If a person requires scraping I'll gladly let the coroner do it.

90% of calls are bullshit and I've been a part of maybe 5 "life savings" and those are usually setting up an IV bag for a medic so he can push D50 and stop a non-compliant diabetic from dying in 3 hours.

Fuck that self aggrandizing piece of fuck.

4chan is for the birds.

Maybe this guy is the medic, then? Maybe he lives/works in a very different type of neighborhood/environment?

He said he was an EMT. Medics don't do that. Also, this post reeks of the bullshit I see every day from people I know that work small departments that run 3 calls a month.

For more credibility, I'm on the fire side, so I typically get there 3 to 5 minutes before the ambulance if we aren't working with a fire staffed ambulance. Most of the stuff is done by then, we give a report to the medic, and the EMT (read: me) drives to the hospital where doctors save a life.

We take measures to keep someone alive until they can get to definitive care. Doctors, nurses, and PCT's save lives.

Oh, ok. I'm not familiar with the different job roles.

Do you like Bringing Out The Dead? I doubt it's realistic, but it sure is a great film noir and it's lit beautifully.

uncle fester looking fuck

i also dont understand why OnA fans are garbage, like that guy on to catch a predator, i think the fans actually think the boys are serious when they make fun of aids/dead people/ horrible things and take it to heart.

and i wonder what will happen with social media, people are still stupid enough to say shit like this on twitter, i think once our parents die off we will be fine, we grew with social media we know how serious it can get, people are sensitive cunts these days, this guy deserved it though, atleast ants racsim is usually comical not just hate

I guess you never interacted with the guy on Twitter. So maybe his jokes weren't funny, they're still jokes. Don't go by what the article says as it portrays him as a gun-loving racist Nazi. That could be further from the truth! What makes him different than Ant when he does his racist/Nazi jokes?

This is exactly why I hate ants stupid ass racist angle. People take him seriously and copy him. Just cuz some dumbass shock jock makes racist jokes doesnt make it ok. If he isnt a gun-loving racist nazi he should act his fucking age and not act like a gun-loving racist nazi. Fuck that guy. Going by his tweets he sounds like a complete asshole. Fuck ants bullshit racism and anyone who thinks its cool.

This is called reaping what you sow in the adult world. All the post did was bring his horrible cringey tweets to public attention, this guy fucked himself. It always shocks me when grown ass adults cant figure out the difference between entertainment and reality.



It's fucking reddit, what you do expect? Bunch of "progressive" faggots.

Monsieur l'abbé, je déteste ce que vous écrivez, mais je donnerai ma vie pour que vous puissiez continuer à écrire.

Dude the guy wrote bad lieutenant on his jacket and cried like a bitch when confronted. He's like the ultimate douche. People need to realize they can't be hateful and hacky on the internet without being called out. Honestly its very difficult to be offensive and funny at the same time, fucking amateurs should stop embarassing themselves in public.

Jim Norton just posted this on Facebook:

So far on Twitter today, I’ve been called a hypocrite, a scumbag, a sell out and a cunt. (And all before 11am, which was fairly impressive). It stemmed from a tweet I sent out in response to someone expressing outrage that EMT Timothy Dluhos had been exposed by the NY Post as someone sending out racist tweets under the name Bad Lieutenant. I was literally pulling my bag out of the overhead when I glanced at the story. It involved a guy, who was anonymous, having his real name exposed for sending out shitty tweets, and then breaking down and crying. I couldn’t have been happier! “Fuck him”, I thought, and tweeted such. I was then barraged with scumbag, sellout, cunt, etc. I responded in kind, “Fuck you, too”, “You’re a twat”, “You’re blocked” and other ungentlemanly comments of a similar ilk. This guy is a shitty troll, I thought, and good for him to be exposed. Apparently, that wasn’t the case.

One guy tweeted something to the effect that, ‘this guy wasn’t trolling, he was just telling racist jokes on Twitter, having a good time’ (and I also read that his Tweets were protected, which I’m not sure about). This changed the way I felt completely. There is a tremendous difference, to me at least, between a guy being offensive and a guy being a twat and talking shit to people. (Although I don’t think he should be fired for either). Think of Twitter as a mall (without the Christmas rush LOL LOL ROFL LMAO). It’s a public space with a lot of people yappng; some to a small group of people, some to a large group. The troll is the guy who puts on a ski mask and runs up to different groups of people, taps them on the shoulder, and yells, “Fuck you kikes and niggers!” and, “Hey you shitty chinks, learn to drive!” and then runs away and hides. He NEVER says these things in the mall unless he has his safe ski mask on. He wants to insult people and he wants them to know he’s insulting them, yet he doesn’t want to show his face. When someone in the mall pulls his ski mask off, he cries that he needs to be anonymous because of his job and blah blah blah. This guy is a coward and a cunt.

Then there is the other guy, who is talking to a specific group of friends (i.e. his Twitter followers) and trying to entertain them. While he’s talking, (or venting), to people who have decided they want to hear him by following him, reporters lurk behind him, jot down what he says, and then crucify him for it. There is a great difference between the guy in the ski mask begging for attention and reaction and the guy speaking only to people who have chosen to listen. They both have the right to say what they want, but the guy in the ski mask is hatable to me, the guy just telling mean, rotten and racist jokes is not.

And I do understand that guys telling certain kinds of jokes cannot reveal their identity because of the revolting, politically correct climate of this country. Firing employees over tasteless opinions or telling tasteless jokes is disgraceful. So, it seems this EMT worker was just a guy blowing off steam, entertaining people, and not being the cunt in the ski mask tapping people on the shoulder and running away.

I very quickly found myself more irritated with the reporters, who cannot get enough of scolding a white guy for racist jokes, yet refuse to mention the racial components of the two ‘teen boys’ who shot a sleeping baby in the face because his mother wouldn’t give them money. (And if you don’t know why that racial component matters, then I guess you can explain why it mattered so much in the Trayvon Martin case.) Unfortunately, Timothy Dluhos will probably be fired and the news-creating, lurking media vultures will claim victory.

Finally, to all the people telling me that I don’t understand because I am allowed to say anything I want; if I were to go on Twitter and start aiming anti-Semitic comments at my bosses at Sirius, I would be fired in a second. The leeway I have is that I can joke about things that a lot of people cannot, but I still can’t run up to people and say anything I want without repercussions. I can’t start @ mentioning the President and saying nasty racist shit any more than any of you can. If I wanted to do these things, I’d have to create a fake Twitter profile and do it anonymously. And I’ve never even considered it.

Edit: Here's Jim's original Tweet: @JimNorton: Fuck the Post, but fuck this anonymous douche more. I don't want to see him fired, but I LOVE him being exposed.

Here's a good tweet insulting Jim from before Jim realized the guy's profile was private. @JimNorton you piece of garbage hypocrite. So Kenny deserved what happened to him?

backstory on Kenny?

The guy is an idiot.

The Post is a tabloid. I don't see any thing wrong with them "exposing" the guy. You're more than welcome to have idiotic/ignorant views, but the Post is also more than welcome to expose such views if they wish. If the mainstream and/or your bosses find them reprehensible or embarrassing, that's your problem, and its something you should have thought of before posting on the INTERNET.

This guy is the equivalent of a teenage girl sending nudes over email or facebook to her "boyfriend" and then being shocked when half her school has seen them by next Friday.

And nothing makes him different than Ant. Ant has idiotic beliefs and thoughts, but its part of what makes him a compelling listen on the radio. Ant also has leverage against his stupidity. Some of the things that Ant says might get other people fired, but Ant correctly leverages his popularity (and his off-beat beliefs being part of the reason for his popularity). This guy on the other hand is a dime-a-dozen firefighter (how many people are on the list in the city? - a lot, and probably half as many are on a list to make LT as well). He is in the union, and I'm sure his CBA covers social media postings or has some sort of "morality" clause. I don't know if he is going to lose his job but the guy has to be smarter. He knows his views can get him in trouble, as evidence by the crying, don't be a retard.

My good friend, high school friend, college roommate was the other kid that was mentioned. The ny post put him on the cover for stupid things he said. They Ny post sucks dick. They thought some 23 year olds tweets were good news. They ruined his life (at least for the time being) and brought bad attention on his good family. He should've watched his mouth, but fuck them. He had to resign for that shit.

how exactly did they trace it back to him btw?


It's fucking reddit, what you do expect? Bunch of "progressive" faggots.