That Atlanta Security Guard the boys talked about was let go this week and then arrested yesterday

2  2013-03-24 by BeardedAxWound


He and a reddit user also fleeced reddit for donations and now some people who donated are pissed that he didn't use it for what they wanted him to use it for and gave the guy who initiated it 20%. Reddit is full of a bunch of gullible suckers. They are way to quick to open up their wallets. If I lived in the Atlanta area, I would have driven down to that mall and done the same thing the reddit user did.




When are these dumb fucks going to realize Reddit is primarily a MARKETING platform for idiots to get fleeced?

As soon as they realize that most AMAs are done by assistants or publicists and not the fucking President himself. So, never. Reddit is full of dummies.

Eh, it seems like he didn't do anything wrong. People gave him money, he can do whatever he wants with it. Like that bus driver who got 500k in donations.

However, I do agree with you that most of reddit, and honestly most people in general are gullible suckers.

Where does it say he was arrested? What for?

He got arrested for doing his job, basically. It was after he was fired but he was still working at the mall (not sure why), and someone came in who was banned from the mall, so he tackled him.

exactly. The video says he was the aggressor

In the video he says his last day of work is March 31st so he should still be on duty

I'm surprised he wasn't shot.

I wish he was, I mean, could be a good guy and all, but at the end of the day, he's still a nigger.

If you had gone with a 'house next door to me's been sold to...' joke, you might not be getting downvoted by the unruly mob.

The boys were right, it did not end well for him