Is there a place to get all of Bill Burr's appearances on the show?

6  2013-03-24 by ketchupacket

Is there any place to get the Bill Burr appearances on the show much like the Patrice torrent?


Tsss, Bill Burr, what's he walking around all cold or sumpin?...

Steve was less a man and more a YouTube god. His uploads served as the soundtrack for the lives of many a sad sack such as myself. His Patrice uploads helped keep a vital part of the legacy of a truly great comedian alive. But sadly, like all messianic figures, Steve has slipped into the mists of history and is now more of a myth than a man, his works seemingly lost in these dark Patrice-less days. I for one pray for his resurrection and for his glorious works to continue. A fucking men.

does anyone know the dates of when bill filled in for jim for a week?

It was around early October of 2005, IIRC. Was listening to it not that long ago. Although Bill was out for a couple of days.