Kids from the Gallon Smash Prank (played Feb 22 on the show) charged for spilling milk

7  2013-03-22 by Touch_Of_Red



im so conflicted, because i completely agree with you, but at the same time that video made me laugh my balls off

I thought for sure (naively) they would pay for the milk and help clean up after the camera was off. Now I really feel bad for the schmuck on minimum wage who had to clean that shit up

Jerry: So, we're going to make the post office pay for my new stereo, now?

Kramer: It's a write-off for them.

Jerry: How is it a write-off?

Kramer: They just write it off.

Jerry: Write it off what?

Kramer: Jerry all these big companies they write off everything.

Jerry: You don't even know what a write-off is.

Kramer: Do you?

Jerry: No, I don't.

Kramer: But they do - and they are the ones writing it off.


Stores pass damages onto the manufacturer

You're a faggot

No use cryin about it or sumptin, cocksucka

Yeah, in the big picture they're kinda tools. And if I owned the store (and held the liability insurance for the premises), I'd be rather pissed.


Considering all of the videos we've seen of kids acting like fucking jackasses in stores, they had some things going for them.

  • They had comedic timing.

  • Their editing had some great sequencing, too. The tone went from silly pratfall to "ah, fuck it".

  • Reaction shots and bystander interaction. Brilliant.

  • Quality. it wasn't shitty, pixellated, portrait mode crap.
