I'd love to watch a Mystery Science Theatre 3000-like show where O&A view old episodes of Macguyver and Miami Vice.

15  2013-03-21 by [deleted]


The BTTF secret show was phenomenal. I wish they would get more of those in.

I agree. There are so many good movies they could do this to.

like BTTF2

They cant make it through a 30 second clip without pausing it a dozen times, I cant imagine how long it would take for them to get through an ~1 hour long show.

Otto and Anthony have agreed to do a show while watching Boogie Nights.

This would be incredible.

they did it to a scene of Quincy and that was hilarious


David my David did a couple good ones on his page, I'm still standing and Love is a Battlefield are both great. Also more proof that the show would be amazing with a visual element.

I've had the same idea, but I think the problem is that you can't really do that without having to pay royalties.

I'm remembering Sophie's Choice. Rest in pieces, Tippy Tom.

Holy shit that would be hilarious!!

I'd rather see Anthony and Jimmy do a RedLetterMedia Half In The Bag style show. The perfect person for such a show would actually be Patrice, though. Have guest stars, too: Joe DeRosa, Colin Quinn, Louis CK, Bill Burr.

Someone tell this guy that Patrice is deader than a fucking doornail.

You're kidding.

How did it happen?