Erock Drunk = Amazing radio

84  2013-03-15 by RoosterBrains

Loving this



Nobody cares about you!

People shouldn't down vote before listening to the show...

yea no kidding.... karma hit for me... I was only doing my best drunken Sex Bagel impression...

Wow, this is one of the best shows in years. Fuckin Denny rules!


all I could think about was how has this guy been doing whatever it is he does there on whatever shit channel and not have been discovered yet??


He grows on you by the end of the show, he's like Joe piscopo.


This was the best show I've ever heard. So many great subplots going on: erock drunk, opie in shock, Denny keeps coming in. Denny is THE MAN. I wish every show was structured like this, at least every Friday. This is fucking gold.

This may be one of the best episodes I've heard in a VERY long time.

Good for Erock standing up for himself and letting loose with those smooooth shots.

For all your Mobile DJ needs!

You gotta book early though, spots are filling up already

Guess we figured out who Jimmy got his web designer reference from.

Erock killed it today!

Wow. That last half hour was perfect.

Just didn't want it to end.


imagine The Drunk Erock and The Drunk Fez Show

best radio in the two years since ive been listening. udder gold today pigboy

It use to be like this all the time. This is what bit days were like.

I love it when the show veers into insanity. Always the best shows. Screw format.

Rich Vos: The Boss

"Rich Vos, where you gonnnbe?"



Because SiriusXM is one of the worst companies to have existed ever?

Can somebody get a PalTalk feed? Anyone?

Anthony only turned the camera for a few seconds.


For the other drinkers out there wondering. There are 17 shots in a 5th, if each shot is 1.5 ounces. They said Erock drank 10-11 shots in about a two hour period. They weren't measuring so I imagine some were more/less generous than others. Sam was calling out "that's a double shot" like he knows anything about drinking, but I imagine Erock had probably 3/4 of a fifth by himself in that amount of time. That's a pretty good amount even for a guy his size. I bet he was riding an empty stomach (a first for Erock) and drinking in the morning. He had to have a pretty good drunk going by the end of the show. I only spent the time to think about this cause he sounded pretty lucid on Ron and Fez later. I imagine he ate one of his giant Erock meals right after the show before Ron and Fez and that brought him back down to earth by 12 to talk on that show. Erock Army, he stepped up big time.

some tequila floats right there in his cup


You don't care dude. Nobody cares.

Been reading the tweets and seeing pics. Can't wait for work to end so I can listen!

Best show of 2013 yet I would say.

This is one of the greatest things I've ever heard. I love drunk Erock.

This is a show where its fun and games while its happening but there is going to be hurt down the line. That being said, fucking hilarious.

Erock will at least be suspended.

Sadly, probably.

Isn't satellite radio supposed to be the 'no holds barred' sort of radio? What ever happened to that? This is the best O&A show I've heard in YEARS. This should be every Friday.

Yeah, but notice how everyone backed off and let Erock do it all to himself. He will be reprimanded, I can't imagine going on air drunk is not against some bureaucratic bullet-point policy over there at Seriouslygay Satellite.

drinking on air is ok - R&F do it all the time - Pepper was shitfaced by the end of Fridays show

I wasn't aware, I don't care for R&F. If I wanted to hear a squealing depressed queen cry maybe I'd like it more.

I listen for Ronnie B - Fez says next to nothing, they have done several drunk shows and ESD often drank on the show and allegedly does the sports show that way

Pepper was so hammered that Ron had Fez hustle him out of the building ASAP friday - Erock was sober compared to Pepper

Just downloaded, opened the first of many cold ones and can barely sit still!



Uh oh.

Should be tequila Friday every Friday and Sal is a cunt

Sal is a pa-peet haired cunt


At what part do I hear the Ecry?

I'm listening through the whole thing right now. Erock pulls out the tequila at 56:30

roughly 3:07:00

I usually don't enjoy shows without Jimmy, but this was incredible. E-rock should always be drunk and crying. I loved hearing how into Denny Anthony was. BEST FRIDAY EVER!

Today's show was amazing and much needed. Erock stole the spotlight and brought some of the best material in awhile. I had been getting very disenfranchised and uninterested in the show lately. Today's show brought me back on board. I've really been enjoying the shows without Jim Norton lately. Which sucks to say because I like him, but lately the shows seem better when he is gone.

I agree, the shows have been better lately without Norton bitching the whole time.

EROCK's a diozaur.

I can't listen live, what's happened?

Erock declared it tequila and donuts day, he's emotional drunk breaking down on air.

That's awesome, can't wait to listen later.


It's Dunkin donuts, fuck you and your proper spelling of doughnuts.

Then fuck you for not using a capital D, Sir!

He's has tears running down his face but is saying "no i'm not crying". It's great. He's hysterical too. Guys done over 10 shots

How great is Denny, second star of the show behind erock

He was great. I jumped on late, where did he come from? Another show?

He works as the dj for the music channels 70's and 60's on sirius.

my favorite line was "emotional? yes. crying? i'm not sure"

To Sal: "No one cares about you; turn that mic off".

ok now im fucking pumped to download this

I can't wait to catch the replay or listen on youtube tonight. I have a soft spot for Erock so this sounds epic.

In case anyone else was curious - pics of Taylor from Cosmo Radio (the raspy voiced sexy chick that takes 2 shots)

I'd like to bury my tongue in her log cutter

I love Erock. I don't doubt he was drunk but he knows what this show's all about and gave us gold.

We had a snapshot of Erock before his soul was destroyed.

No matter what anyone says. This is their best show in in like three years. Plus Denny is the fucking man.

"Everything is uh-BUH-LURRIINNGG...."

Just heard it, holy shit what a great show. I feel like it's 8 years ago!


enjoy it, thats your one Opie laugh for the year.

Goddammit I have a couple shows to get through before this.. might have to skip em! Love Erock

I had honestly given up on the show until this. And it wasn't even planned. Fuckin gold, I wish they still did video.

Erock is the baddest mofo out there!

I listened twice (last time I did that was Patrice talking about going to jail)

when Erock crosses the line into a different place it was phenomenal, this is a guy I would tune in to hear - makes me think he might pull off this multi-podcast idea



anthony killing half a bottle like a boss was impressive - I was waiting for someone to say it was water but I guess it was tequila. I love when norton isn't there - so fucking sick of him - AHHHH YOU KNOW FUCKING PUSSY PUSSY TSSSS TSSS OR SOMETHIN WHATS THAT AHHH TSS TSS was water. Rolando poured out the Clooney tequila and put water in the bottle.

was that said on air?

They said it on the after show.

ah, i listen using the app that has the worst skip ahead functionality ever i missed the first few min of the after show

Yes. It was said/implied on the show and then said outright when Hawk was in the bathroom at the start of the after show.

It was totally water, they wanted to fuck with E-Rock and make him think he had to drink more to compete with Anthony
