Jim on Leno Mar. 12, 2013

11  2013-03-13 by [deleted]


Not a lot of laughs for the anal rape joke

Don't think Leno's audience is the right demographic for a sodomy joke...damn was it funny though.

Oh cool. It's Jim Norton, Jordan Black, and Fez.

If Fez still had a personality.

It's hard for me to believe Jim's frustrated by his standing in comedy, he's a regular on Leno! I guess I'd want my own show too if my former opener's career took off.

Also, I'm always worried watching Norton's non-O&A material because I think I won't like it or I'll only like it cause I love him on the show. He's fucking hilarious. And not in the "I saw Lisa today" type of way either.

Who's his former opener?

Kevin Hart

Amy Schumer? Just a guess.

Yeah, he used to take her around. I guess I'm not sure if she opened, middled, whatever, but she's always who I imagine when he talks about comics shooting past him.

Yeah but a lot of those comics that he saw shoot right past him are "flash in the pan" type deals, and Schumer could be one of them.


I know people who regularly watch Leno, they have no idea who Jimmy is - much as I wish him success beyond what he enjoys, his style isn't mainstream - he is too dirty and too mean for widespread acceptance

That was awful. This is what he misses the show for?